829 examples of merchandising in sentences

These once were France's special care, and are yet, to a degree; but France is out of favor with the Church, and steadily declining from her former place in the Levant, although French continues to be the "lingua franca" of merchandising, of polite society, and of diplomacy, in the Near East.

This fact has been commented upon frequently by merchandising specialists, and it has significance.

© 1Oct32; A55388. Robert S. Nyburg (C); 7Apr60; R255279. NYSTROM, PAUL H. Fashion merchandising.

(Merchandising and distribution series)

Consumption and merchandising under the NRA.

Kay Boyle Vail (A); 1Nov62; R303961. VAILE, ROLAND S. Consumption and merchandising under the NRA; the first year of the recovery program in the Central Northwest.

SEE Hutcheson, Joseph C., Jr. Merchandising under the Robinson-Patman act.

MONTAGUE, GILBERT H. Merchandising under the Robinson-Patman act.

Advertising campaign for general merchandising and service.

SEE Amsterdam Syndicate, Inc. Advertising campaign for general merchandising and service.

W. B. Saunders Co. (PWH); 8Oct69; R469960. AMSTERDAM SYNDICATE, INC. Advertising campaign for banks: Cy Cology series and general merchandising & service, it's thrifty to buy series.

NORM ADVERTISING, INC. Advertising campaign for banks: Cy Cology series and general merchandising & service, it's thrifty to buy series.

End-of-course test in Merchandising.

Consumption and merchandising under the NRA.

Kay Boyle Vail (A); 1Nov62; R303961. VAILE, ROLAND S. Consumption and merchandising under the NRA; the first year of the recovery program in the Central Northwest.

SEE Hutcheson, Joseph C., Jr. Merchandising under the Robinson-Patman act.

MONTAGUE, GILBERT H. Merchandising under the Robinson-Patman act.

W. B. Saunders Co. (PWH); 8Oct69; R469960. AMSTERDAM SYNDICATE, INC. Advertising campaign for banks: Cy Cology series and general merchandising & service, it's thrifty to buy series.

NORM ADVERTISING, INC. Advertising campaign for banks: Cy Cology series and general merchandising & service, it's thrifty to buy series.

End-of-course test in Merchandising.

© 15Dec45; AA13457. Educational Testing Service (PWH); 2Jan75; R542177. End-of-course test in Merchandising techniques.

Establishing the city of Rome as a stable, defensible center of merchandising and commerce, transport, finance, population, wealth and power with a hinterland of associates and dependencies.

Urban centers of civilization have for their background a pastoral and agricultural source of food supplemented by fabrication, merchandising and financing.

As their primary task businessmen devoted themselves to the exploitation of labor power and the storage and merchandising of the products turned out by herdsmen, farmers, craftsmen.

Insomuch that the premises being well considered, it was a happy thing for England that that clashing fell out betwixt her and the Hans, for it may be said to have been the chief ground of that shipping and merchandising, which she is now come to, and wherewith she hath flourished ever since.

829 examples of  merchandising  in sentences