9134 examples of mesdames in sentences

So when Mesdames Stanton, Dickinson, Anthony, Howeall the lovely lecturersdiscourse, they forget the platform which is plane, and discuss the "sphere" which is mysterious.

"I will ensure your purses and your scalps, mesdames," cried John Effingham gaily, "on condition that you will follow me implicitly; and by way of pledge for my faith, I solicit the honour of supporting Mademoiselle Viefville on this unworthy arm.

Mesdames de Sévénié et de Montalais, he suggested, might as well then and there give up all hope of ever again seeing that particular chauffeurunless by some mischance entirely out of the reckoning of the latter.

The driver-guide of La Roque turned out to have been a thorough-paced scamp, well and ill-known to the gendarmerie; the wound sustained by Monsieur d'Aubrac bore testimony to the gravity of the affair, amply excusing Duchemin's interference and its fatal sequel; while the statements of Mesdames de Sévénié et de Montalais, duly becoming public property, bade fair to exalt the local reputation of André Duchemin to heroic stature.

"Mesdames Odilon Barrot and de Tocqueville do not know where their husbands are.

At No. 97, in the same street, two women, Mesdames Vidal and Raboisson, sempstresses, are in their room; they kill them.

Mesdames voulurent être de la partie ainsi que le Comte de Provence et le Comte d'Artois.

"It is my painful duty to announce to the Mesdames von Blitz that they are widows.

Mesdames de Conti, du Fargis, and de Fervaques hastened to obey her commands; and as the tapestry fell behind them, the Queen-mother silently, but with an imperious gesture, motioned them to be seated.

"I have asked your presence, Mesdames," she said, fixing a stern look upon the Princesse de Conti, "when you were each, in all probability, more pleasantly engaged than in sharing the disquiet and ennui of your harassed mistress; but, per Dio!

Mesdames du Fargis and de Fervaques will assist me to receive him.

But while Louis was bewildered by this seeming contradiction, Richelieu thoroughly appreciated its real motive, being well aware of the enmity which existed between Mesdames de Joyeuse and de la Valette and the Princesse de Conti, who had long ceased to dissemble their dislike; and who were consequently overjoyed to oppose any undertaking to which the adverse party was pledged.

Mesdames de Lorraine were related to Charles I., through Mary Queen of Scots, his grandmother, who was the daughter of a Princess of that House.

Bon voyage, Mesdames," and Aunt Maria smiled and bowed as pleased as possible, not having heard a word.

The four Mesdames, who are clumsy plump old wenches, with a bad likeness to their father, stand in a bedchamber in a row, with black cloaks and knotting-bags, looking good-humoured, not knowing what to say, and wriggling as if they wanted to make water.

For the beauties, of which there are a few considerable, as Mesdames de Brionne, de Monaco, et d'Egmont, they have not yet lost their characters, nor got any.

When mesdames his grand-daughters made him an unexpected visit, he was so disturbed for fear it should derange his finances, which he thought were not in advance, that he shut himself up for an hour with his treasurer, to find resources; was charmed to know he should not run in debt, and entertained them magnificently.

The shutters of the lower rooms, in the apartments of the Dauphin and of Mesdames, were being closed one by one, by the gardiens within.

"Messieurs et Mesdames," he began, and took up the wand to emphasize his discourse; "to read in the stars the events of the futureto transform into gold the metals inferiorto discover the composition of that Elixir who, by himself, would perpetuate life, was in past ages the aim and aspiration of the natural philosopher.

"Pray observe the next lines, Messieurs et Mesdames, and follow my lead as before: 'Roses bloom in the fourth; and your secret, my dear, Which you whisper'd so softly just now in my ear, I repeat word for word, for the others to hear!' Mademoiselle Rosalie (whose pardon I implore!) whispered to me that Monsieur Philomène dyed his moustache and whiskers.

"Is everything to be repeated?" "Everything, Messieurs et Mesdames," replied Müller"everythingwithout reservation.

The united means of uncle and niece were so scanty that she was fain to offer her services daily at Mesdames Reynaud's still flourishing school, where the freshness of her continental experiences made her very welcome.

"Mesdames," I said, and was gratified to see that they followed my dramatic exit with eyes of appreciation and of wonder.

Il va venir; veuillez, mesdames, vous éloigner.

#mesdames#, see madame.

9134 examples of  mesdames  in sentences