126 examples of meself in sentences

Me, if I should be miserabl' like that I would kill meself.

Ah, ye may laugh, but I'd buy me a chapel at the West-end: me talents are thrown away here intirely, wasting me swateness on the desert air, as Tom Moore says' (Panurgus used to attribute all quotations whatsoever to Irish geniuses); 'and I flatter meself

"It is," he replied, "'O Lord, give me a stiff upper lip.'" "And what does that mean?" "It means," he said, "that when they come to me some night and wake me up, and say, 'Captain, we're going down,' that I won't make a fool o' meself.

I'd sleep aboard meself.

"I says to meself it must be you, sir, d'rectly I heard you comin' round the crick.

Maybe that was my own fault; when she started to pull in the straps 'course I blew meself out, same as any 'orse would, just to give 'er something to pull on.

] "My quarrel is not with you, I tell you, but with your psalm-singing master" "And ain't that meself?" interrupted Teddy.

"'Tis not f'r meself


If you'd told me you 'ad children I needn't have troubled meself to 'ave come.

[Illustration: STOUT LADY (discussing the best thing to do in an air-raid): "Well, I always runs about meself.

Sure he towld me in a confidintial way, just before he wint to turn in last nightif it wasn't yisturday forenoon, for it's meself as niver knows an hour o' the day since the sun became dissipated, and tuck to sitting up all night in this fashion.

I've heerd some men say they like little girls, but, as I said, I like a good lump of a woman meself.

I said to meself, some time I'll pay it backthat ancient sophistry o' the devil.

I turned away, an' said I to meself, 'Darrel, thy head is softa babe could brain thee with a lady's fan.'

Now, were I a cub an' had none to obey, I'd obey meself.

'I'll bid ye good evening,' he says, 'an' I'll be off wid meself up there; an' I'll tell ye what,' says he, 'I'll be in no hurry to lave it!'

Sure, what chanst has a poor fellow the same as meself, wid the ould wans at home to support as well as meself, when there's such a fine match as Mr. Quinn to the fore!

Sure, what chanst has a poor fellow the same as meself, wid the ould wans at home to support as well as meself, when there's such a fine match as Mr. Quinn to the fore!

Sure ye'd be the laughingstock of the place, if ye went an' got married to a poor fellow like meself that hasn't a rag to his back nor a penny in his pocket, an' just stepped out o' prison more by tokensure, that alone 'ud make a deal o' differ!

An' did he homesickun by the Cornish Coast for the Street that Niver Sleeps, an' the whirroo an' stink av her, an' the foomum et opase strepitumkéto drink delight av battle with his peers, an' see the great Achilles whom he knewmeanin' meself?"

Right y'are; and I'll do meself the honour to lunch wid ye, at your expense.

Then he added, more gently "I looked in the face av um, and said to meself, 'Jemmy doesn't remember me.

If I introduce meself, I wonder what'll he do?

"I know that, for it were meself that selected them.

126 examples of  meself  in sentences