1405 examples of messing in sentences

I was still messing with Major Brown, with whom I went into the village to purchase a supply of provisions for our mess; but unfortunately we were in too jolly a mood to fool away money on "grub."

" "And in any case," I continued, "what the devil is he doing messing about with George?

Quite a decent cue they had provided, and I leaped on it Promptly: "Talking of shedding tears" But she was now on the subject of rabbits, several of which were messing about in the park to our right.

Bob was stooping down very careful over something in the hedge, and Mr. Bunnett, going up quiet-like behind 'im, see 'im messing about with a pore old toad he 'ad found, with a smashed leg.

Bob was stooping down very careful over something in the hedge, and Mr. Bunnett, going up quiet-like behind 'im, see 'im messing about with a pore old toad he 'ad found, with a smashed leg.

Browning-Smith, who ran the messing, got quite pally with these ducks, and as soon as they were let out of their basket, he used to call them, and off they would waddle after him in search of a convenient puddle.

And now, thanks to a newborn desire on the part of the Berlin War Office to let the press of America know something of the effects of their operations on the people of the invaded states, here we were, making free with a strange French gentleman's chateau and messing with an Over-General's Staff.

All through violating man's primeval instinct by messing about in cold water.

The doctor gazed at Priam's hands, the rough, coarsened hands of a painter who is always messing in oils and dust.

Oh, I have to sew an hour, and now I have to weed an hour, too; and Aunt Jane tried to have me learn to cook; but Susie (in the kitchen) flatly refused to have me "messing around," so Aunt Jane had to give that up.

Aunt Hattie's got a new cook, and she's worse than Olga used to beabout not wanting folks messing around, I mean.

The fact is, with that deadly aversion to all the vulpine race common to all keepers, he dearly loved to see a fox killed, no matter how or where; but to see one "chopped," without any of that "muddling round and messing about," as he delighted to call a hunting run, seemed to him the very acme of satisfaction and despatch.

Muddling work, I calls it, messing over books.

He yawned a little, and said, rather brusquely: "This rain's messing up the frost pretty well.

The soldiers who did not understand cooking or messing had to satisfy their hunger any way they could.

" "I found him messing, as I 'phoned you.

We have two good officers out of the four, and we have a very fair crew, and we have good grub; and the company always victual their ships well, and don't put the officers' messing into the hands of the captain, as they do in some ships.

I would have made you a king, and by and by the most powerful of all kings, but you followed after your own thinking, and cared more for messing in wet mud than for a throne.

You need only look at this picture to know that here is a people messing with uniforms and explosives, a people still hot with the ape and the tiger in their breasts.

The Messing Officer will fry a fillet of sole by means of haybox cookery, and during the process will publicly skin a ration rabbit in such a way that not the slightest depreciation is caused in the value of 2½d.

I might, if allowed, make a hit as Messing Officer.

Unfortunately we already have a Messing Officer of deadly efficiency.

The Dutch General Messing, who held Agra Fort for the Mahrattas in 1794, has a very florid mausoleum of red sandstone, more curious than beautiful; the design of which is in imitation of the Taj.

"It is a young general with whom I am to have the honor of messing.

Thought I'd lost yousomehow I was messing about in a filthy fog, and there were beastly precipices about.

1405 examples of  messing  in sentences