37 examples of metabolism in sentences

He possessed all the wonderful knowledge of body and brain, of the metabolism and chemistry of the organs, but he knew nothing of the source of life.

All the tissues (glands and other organs) have thus a special internal secretion, and so give to the blood something more than the waste products of metabolism.

Common to both conditions is a drop in the rate of tissue combustion or metabolism, which can be relieved by injection of an extract of the pituitary, a rise of temperature occuring simultaneously.

Sex here appears in its most primitive form, on the basis of exchange of necessary materials, between individuals to prevent death, their own having been, so to speak, worn out, in the course of metabolism.

This matter of retaining sugar and controlling its output is one of the utmost significance for growth and metabolism, the resistance to infections, the response to emergency situations, and in general to the mobilization of energy for physical and mental purposes.

Parathyroids Unknown a. Controllers of lime metabolism b. Excitability of muscle and nerve 8.

sugar metabolism CHAPTER IV THE GLANDS AS AN INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATE Now in considering each gland of internal secretion as a separate entity, and labelling it with certain properties and actions, we of course commit the usual sin of the intellect: the sin of abstraction and isolation of its material.

Together they form the directorate of sugar metabolism.

But, as is evident from a glance at the membership of the growth directorate, and comparing it with the directorate of sugar metabolism, there are some members who are present on both boards.

A disturbance of sugar metabolism might then cause a disturbance of growth.

When the quantity, in the cycles of metabolism, becomes sufficiently great, it stimulates the stomach to contract in a way which augments the pressure within it to a point at which the feeling of hungriness, and the wish to satisfy it, or to get rid of it, becomes imperative, and the dominant of consciousness.

But it is hard to realize that the striking distinctions between the thyroid type and the pituitary, comparable, as said, to the differences between a greyhound and a bull-dog, are dependent solely upon quantitative variations in the general and local speeds of metabolism, among the cells.

The lime salts, because of their peculiar properties of dissolving or precipitating themselves according to electrical conditions in their medium, have come to occupy a central position in all the processes of growth, metabolism and sex differentiation.

Metabolism (Gr. metabole, change).

The former is constructive metabolism, or anabolism; the latter, destructive metabolism, or katabolism.

The former is constructive metabolism, or anabolism; the latter, destructive metabolism, or katabolism.

[Biol.]; isogamy^, oogamy^; karyaster^; macrogamete^, microgamete^; metabolism, anabolism, catabolism; metaplasm^, ontogeny, ovary, ovum, oxidation, phylogeny, polymorphism, protozoa, spermary^, spermatozoon, trophoplasm^, vacuole, vertebration^, zoogloea^, zygote.

He had a high metabolism and ate what he wanted.

Diseases of metabolism: detailed methods of diagnosis and treatment; a text for the practitioner.

Carbohydrate metabolism.

TALBOT, FRITZ B. The internal secretary system and metabolism in infancy and childhood.

Protein metabolism in the plant.

Diseases of metabolism: detailed methods of diagnosis and treatment; a text for the practitioner.

Carbohydrate metabolism.

Diseases of metabolism.

37 examples of  metabolism  in sentences