12 examples of mgr. in sentences

John Ascough (Rt. Rev. Mgr. Bicherstaffe-Drew, 1858- ): Marotz.

On the same day a police agent went to La Roquette to order the shooting of Mgr.

The editor of this book received equal encouragement, and met with no less sympathy in his labours, from the late Bishop of Ratisbonne, Mgr. Wittman.

(Mgr. Wittman was the worthy successor of Sailer, and a man of eminent sanctity, whose memory is held in veneration by all the Catholics of the south of Germany.)

The sacred hour will sound for you and all the ways will be made smooth." (Charge of Mgr. de Nancy).

The fork was armed with a tip of copper foil, which was lost during the experiments and replaced by one of platinum having the same weight, 4.6 mgr.

© 1Jul24, AF25489. R85738, 5Sep51, Pierre l'Ermite, ps. de Mgr.

© 1Jul24, AF25489. R85738, 5Sep51, Pierre l'Ermite, ps. de Mgr.

" It is in our time that the city of Orleans and its distinguished bishop, Mgr.

As for Mgr. de Guise, who is the eldest of the six brothers, he cannot be spoken of save as a man of war, a good officer.

As to the ritual of the new fire at St. Peter's in Rome, see R. Chambers, The Book of Days (London and Edinburgh, 1886), i. 421; and as to the early history of the rite in the Catholic church, see Mgr. L. Duchesne, Origines du Culte Chrétien* (Paris, 1903), pp.

Mgr. Auvergne, in Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, x. (1837) pp. 23 sq.; A.P. Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, Second Edition (London, 1856), pp.

12 examples of  mgr.  in sentences