Do we say micks or mix

micks 10 occurrences

SEE Micks, Wilson.

Fundamental French, by Wilson Micks & Olga Longi.

© 11Apr40; A139634. Wilson Micks & Olga Longi Kohler (A); 9Apr68; R433399. MIDDLETON, R. L. Youth's talents for Christ.

By Blanchard Rideout & Wilson Micks.

Wilson Micks (A); 30Sep74; R586464.

SEE Micks, Wilson.

Fundamental French, by Wilson Micks & Olga Longi.

© 11Apr40; A139634. Wilson Micks & Olga Longi Kohler (A); 9Apr68; R433399. MIDDLETON, R. L. Youth's talents for Christ.

By Blanchard Rideout & Wilson Micks.

Wilson Micks (A); 30Sep74; R586464.

mix 2077 occurrences

Toward the south, however, where the Sequoia becomes more exuberant and numerous, the rival trees become less so; and where they mix with Sequoias, they mostly grow up beneath them, like slender grasses among stalks of Indian corn.

Protection, in this sense, iswell, let me follow my own admirable example, and illustrate: You own a coal mine in Pennsylvania, which contains tolerably poor coal, with which you mix a proper amount of stone, and then sell the mixture for a high price.

If it is medicine you want, you can get your drugs at any apothecary's, and he will mix them in water for you for a very small sum extra.

"My boy can mix with the best of 'em.

" "You're safe to get into a muss if you mix up with anything that has to do with women.

That will mix her up so she will not know what to do.

Nevertheless I was still urgent, and said, "What is more detestable than for a man to mix his soul with the soul of a husband in his wife?

Persons addicted to this lust make light of adulteries; wherefore they think of the whole female sex as of a common harlot, and of marriage as of a common harlotry, and thereby mix immodesty in modesty, and from the mixture grow insane.

"But about the Belmount mix-up: you will give us a stickful now and then as we go along, if you unearth anything that the public would like to read?

"I'd like to know what business you had to mix up in other things to the detriment of my news column.

The slave when made free might mix without staining the blood of his master.

But the star of Europe brought a different horoscope, and to mix destinies breaks the thread of both.

"True," said I, "of stone-brimstone use gun-powder for lime, and mix it with spirit of turpentine," Farewell.

It is well known how the Prior of S. Maria delle Grazie complained that Lionardo stood for days looking at his fresco, and for weeks never came near it; how the monks of the Annunziata at Florence were cheated out of their painting, for which elaborate designs had yet been made; how Leo X., seeing him mix oils with varnish to make a new medium, exclaimed, "Alas!

Since, as we have found, volumes of cold air at different temperatures are very loath to mix, the condition could not be relieved by any gradual process, but continues until the stream is released by some minor cause, when, the ball once started, a huge disturbance results.

Catch them having a senseless mix-up like that!

"But didn't you have any close mix-ups at all?" persisted Sharon.

Competent Bookkeeper, Sanitary Inspector, Street Inspector, and to supervise labour party on roads, Native Location Inspector, Dog Tax Collector, Ranger, Caretaker of the Municipal Dipping Tank and be able to mix dip.

Whatever you see, take no heed, and do not mix your hand in another man's feud.

War does not entirely annihilate all distinctions of caste even in France, where Equality is a good word, and it does not blend all intellectual and moral qualities into one type of character, in spite of the discipline of compulsory service and the chemical processes which mix flesh and blood together in the crucible of a battlefield.

If you want a receipt for that popular mystery Known to the world as a Woman of Charm, Take all the conspicuous ladies of history, Mix them all up without doing them harm.

The Logic of the Law In 1875 the Supreme Court of Wisconsin in denying the petition of women to practise before it said: "It would be shocking to man's reverence for womanhood and faith in woman ... that woman should be permitted to mix professionally in all the nastiness which finds its way into courts of justice.

Food you mixed is pretty near all gone, and do not like to mix any more myself on account of the accident with the pudding.

I feared to mix you up in my affairs....


Do we say   micks   or  mix