132 examples of microbe in sentences


"I had a Dwarf with me onceMajor Microbe is what we called him on the bills, where he was advertised as the 'Smallest Man in the World,' which, of course, he wasn't; but, then, every Dwarf is always advertised that way.

Well, as I was saying, thishyer Major Microbe was in my show a matter of ten years ago, when we were in Cincinnati, and he was about as vicious as they make them.

Micros small microscope, microbe Monos one, alone monoplane, monotone

There was not a microbe she did not know to its undoing, or a deadly poison she could not bring from its hiding place.

"The sheep get scabby from a microbe under the skin, which causes them to itch fearfully, and they lose their wool.

He is quite mad for the moment about a deadly microbe which only exists in his imagination.

"It's a microbe," blurted out Markham.

"I tell you it's a microbe!

"You make me feel like a microbe," he said.

But in the case of those poor nameless creatures, justice does not stop to consider whether that microbe in the criminal world who steals under the influence of hereditary or acquired degeneration, or in the delirium of chronic hunger, is not worthy of more pity.

He demonstrated, amid the attacks and calumnies of the lovers of darkness, that man is not the king of creation, but merely the last link of the zoological chain, that nature is endowed with eternal energies by which animal and plant life, the same as mineral life (for even in crystals the laws of life are at work), are transformed from the invisible microbe to the highest form, man.

Omitting unnecessary details, we may describe the process of obtaining diphtheria antitoxine as follows: A certain amount of diphtheritic poison (of the bacteriological sort, prepared by cultivating the diphtheria microbe) is injected into the circulation of a horsesufficient to make the horse sick, but not enough to endanger his life.

nourishment, staff of life &c (food) 298. genetics, heredity, inheritance, evolution, natural selection, reproduction (production) 161. microbe, aerobe, anaerobe, facultative anaerobe, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe,

[major divisions of animals] mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, crustacean, shellfish, mollusk, worm, insect, arthropod, microbe.

[microscopic animals] microbe, animalcule &c 193.

In the first place, what is a microbe?

In its most general sense, the term microbe designates certain colorless algæ belonging to the family Bacteriaceæ, the principal forms of which are known under the name of Micrococcus.

This sort of a bore can only be explained on the microbe theory.

By what fatal microbe of folly had the French generals been tempted towards that adventure in Alsace?

Microbe hunters.

But every good college makes its students immune against this malady, of which the microbe haunts the neighborhood-printed pages.

It does so by its general tone being too hearty for the microbe's life.

Already Jack had gone into one of his trances, as he does whenever there is a possibility of bearding a brand-new microbe in its den, whether it is in his own country or one beyond the seas.

Just the same, I could have spent profitable moments reading the burial service over every microbe, home-grown and foreign.

132 examples of  microbe  in sentences