5 examples of mid-season in sentences

By mid-season Manager Callahan was fighting to keep his men in the first division and their slump did not end until they landed in fifth place for a couple of days in August.

* Cleveland's 1912 experience was almost identical with that of 1911, even to swapping managers in mid-season.

Broken open in mid-season the petal-shaped scales show a crimson satin surface, perfect as a rose.

Yet in this aspect now I could detect no indication whatsoever that he was about to round into mid-season form.

The following sorts may be specially recommended:For heavy soils, Duchess of Oldenburgh, equally suitable for cooking or dessert; Warner's King, one of the best for mid-season; and King of the Pippins, a handsome and early dessert apple.

5 examples of  mid-season  in sentences