Do we say might or mite

might 88605 occurrences

We expressed our astonishment at this rapacity, and endeavoured to represent our inability to comply with such exorbitant demands, but all to no purpose, and we were forced to comply, being afraid that she might even have plundered us of every thing.

After the death of Maffeo, I experienced great difficulty to procure another stable for myself, that I might get away from the morbid air of that in which my poor servant died.

It is not impossible that they might contemplate the imaginary terrors of the torrid zone, as handed down from some of the ancients, with all its burning soil and scorching vapours; and they might consider the difficulties of Cape Bojador as a providential bar or omen, to warn and oppose them against proceeding to their inevitable destruction.

Two horses were landed, and two youths named Hector Homen and Diego Lopez d'Almaida, who had been educated in the household of Don Henry, and were scarcely sixteen years of age, were directed to penetrate into the interior of the country, that they might endeavour to ascertain whether it were inhabited.

We were all much astonished at these things; and I Cada Mosto in particular, being inflamed with the desire of visiting these newly discovered regions, inquired if the prince permitted any person who might be so inclined to embark for these places?

Others again believed that they were spirits, who wandered about by night; because they were seen at anchor in the evening at one place, and would be seen next morning 100 miles off, either proceeding along the coast to the southwards, or put back, according as the wind changed, or the caravels might happen to steer.

As some Portuguese, who had dealt with Budomel, represented him as a very just person, who paid for any goods he might receive, and might therefore be confided in, I stopped at his country, that I might endeavour to dispose of some Spanish horses I had on board, which are in great request among the Negroes; besides which, I had some cloth, Moorish wrought silks, and other commodities for sale.

As some Portuguese, who had dealt with Budomel, represented him as a very just person, who paid for any goods he might receive, and might therefore be confided in, I stopped at his country, that I might endeavour to dispose of some Spanish horses I had on board, which are in great request among the Negroes; besides which, I had some cloth, Moorish wrought silks, and other commodities for sale.

Each of these wives had five or six young negresses to attend upon her, with all of whom he might sleep when he pleased, without giving offence to the wives, for such is the custom of the country.

As for me, I would not venture to eat any of them, lest they might have given me the flux, or some other distemper.

II thought it might be you could give mesome informationabout Mr. Bloodgood.

"But, if you are so particular about your company, it might be well to learn something concerning the other members of your party.

I can't say that I arm sorry for you, for, by your persistent attacks on me, you have destroyed any sympathy I might have felt.

"The superstitious man was interesting at first," observed Merry; "but I've a fancy that he might prove a bore.

He fought as if he had been standing on solid ground instead of the deck of a ship that might be blown into a thousand fragments at any moment.

The great lawyer's left ear was listening greedily for any word of meaning that might fall from the lips of Lady Maulevrier; but no such word fell.

His private fortune would be made answerable for his misdemeanourshis life, said the alarmists, might pay the penalty of his treason.

You agitate yourself to no purpose,' said Lady Maulevrier, with a tranquillity which seemed heartless yet which might be the result of suppressed feeling.

'We might be worse off,' said her ladyship, looking round the bright little room, which pleased her better than many a state apartment in the large hotels at which they had stopped.

But she was not without resources, and she suddenly bethought her of a belt of her own which Veronica might try, and sent the maid for it, apparently oblivious of the fact that, being fitted to her own imposing figure, it would be far too long for her niece.

She was naturally too obstinate to change her mind, and turn back; yet by the time the brougham drove into Bianca's gate, she really hoped that Gianluca might not come at all.

He looked as though he might be in a decline, and he was clearly very nervous and ill at ease.

She felt that he might have a right to reproach her for coming there, and she was grateful to him for not doing so, having really very little idea of the nature of the over-submissive and humble love which sapped his manliness instead of rousing his courage.

Veronica thought that once or twice his eyes brightened unnaturally, in the course of conversation; and in his manner towards her she might have fancied that there was a shade more than usual of that sort of affectionate deference which all women love, though they love it most in the strong, and it sometimes irritates them a little in the weak, for a passing moment, when their caprice would rather be ruled than flattered.

It was a work of some little time on the part of the nation to persuade these suspected individuals to place themselves in the hands of the whites, that they might receive justice according to the laws of the latter.

mite 374 occurrences

The only drawback that I know of is, that the confounded posts mite some day walk off with all the close.

What do you suppose is the reason Miss Sniffen won't let them curl their hair just a mite?" "Walls are said to have ears," replied Miss Sterling, with a little scornful twist to her pretty mouth.

Only I feel sorry for her, she is so fat and fretty, and her hair won't fluff a mite.

I don't expect you to spend all your time with an old gray-haired woman who hasn't the mite of a claim on you.

They aren't buggy a mite.

She hasn't a mite of taste.

'T won't make a mite of difference when.

" "Oh, but you mustn't make him think there has been the leastest mite of complaint!

"You want to turn just a mite on your right side.

We had a lovely raspberry layer cake when Mr. Von Dalin was here, and I never thought to bring over a mite!

"There isn't one mite of danger!"

"I don't blame him one mite!"

She was reading all so nice, when without a mite of warning in sailed Miss Sniffen!

In response to your invitation I will relate my experience upon the Postal's large coppered wire, in an effort to transmit 800 words per minute over a 1,000 mile circuit, and add my mite to the vast sum of knowledge already possessed by electricians.

Arish Mel Lulworth Cove from above Stair Hole Durdle Door Puddletown Dorchester Napper's Mite Maiden Castle Wyke Regis Old Weymouth Portland

[Illustration: NAPPER'S MITE.]

"Napper's Mite" is the name given to the old almshouse in South 1615 with money left for the Robert Napper.

That mite cast in by the widow was no purer, greater offering than these pennies so lovingly and heroically saved by this little child.

We racked our brains in vain, and not a single mite of information could we extract from the boys; indeed, we might just as well have attacked two pine boards, for they pretended to be deaf as soon as we commenced our inquiries.

If not and any notice is given of subscriptions as I see you are doing, I beg it may be notified that I send this mite as a reverent agnostic to our common cause of humanity.

[Illustration: First Mite.

Some seer of genius perceives in a flash the essential likeness of things hitherto kept apart in men's mindsthe impulse which leads to anger with one's brother, and that which leads to murder, the charity of the widow's mite and of the rich man's gold, the intemperance of the debauchee and of the party leader.

Sometimes the actress-in-miniature revolted, poor mite ("she should have been in the nursery, the minx," says some practical reader) and then noble Thomas would give vent to an awful threat.


Minnie Mite Moody (A); 29Jun60; R259433.

Do we say   might   or  mite