70 examples of militates in sentences

But you are always to remember that your gymnastics are not to militate against verbal concord.

"I am, therefore, spared the task of pressing upon your consideration these very natural and, I may add, laudable grounds for my client's many hesitations and suppressionswhich, under other circumstances, would militate so deeply against him in the eyes of an upright and impartial jury.

But the promotion to the highest honours of the Court was not allowed to militate against her soul's welfare.

The general result of these observations would, therefore, lead us to consider the Moors of the Romans, as the Berbers or aborigines of North Africa, and the Moors of the Spaniards, as pure Arabians; and if, indeed, these Arabian cavaliers marshalled with them Berbers, as auxiliaries, for the conquest of Spain, this fact does not militate against the broad assumption.

Now the one fact which militates against this view is that Hurst apparently had no motive for committing the murder.

In like manner other changes became necessary, which did not militate against the welfare of the Church, but tended to preserve it.

But truth is at all times sacred, because it is one of the essential attributes of God, so that whatever militates against or is hostile to truth is in opposition to the very nature of God.

In order therefore that it might be universally received, it never meddled, by any positive precept, with the civil institutions of the times; but though it does not expressly say, that "you shall neither buy, nor sell, nor possess a slave," it is evident that, in its general tenour, it sufficiently militates against the custom.

In the earlier Jewish jurisprudence we find laws in relation to property which recognize natural justice as clearly as does the jurisprudence of Rome; but revolt and rebellion against bad rulers or kings, although apt to take place, were nowhere enjoined, unless royal command should militate against the sovereignty of God,the only ultimate authority.

The motives which induce so many people to become converts to Mormonism appear to be just those which militate against the unnatural institution of monogamy.

It is the condition of all peaceable intercourse between man and man; and it is destroyed by anything that openly and manifestly militates against this peaceable intercourse, anything, accordingly, which entails punishment at the hands of the law, always supposing that the punishment is a just one.

The very dream which Caius told to the people shows that his brother's spell was still on him, and his telling it, together with his impetuous oratory and his avowed fatalism, militates against the theory that Tiberius was swayed by impulse and sentiment, and he by calculation and reason.

There was evidently a struggle in his bosom, as if he shrunk from making an acknowledgment that might militate against his interests; but, glancing an eye at the guides, he recovered his proper tone of mind, and answered firmly: "I did.

It is to be noted, too, that many otherwise good specimens are deafa fault which seriously militates against the dog's possibilities as a companion or as a watch.

Then, again, his long coat would militate against the activity necessary for his legitimate calling.

But Hodges positively refused to let Leonard see her again, affirming that the excitement was too much for her, and might militate against the chance of her recovery.

The fact that a great killing off of men is implicit in the process, and that the survivors will be largely under discipline, militates against the idea that the end may come suddenly through a vigorous revolutionary outbreak.

Through the kindness of a friend, I have been able to get some information as to the vexed question of the Minié ball, which militates against some of the claims of the French captain, if invention be one.

Of course, every further increase of the German power militates against the Russian interests.

It militates seriously against a girl.

The discontent it produces on the minds of those who fall under the more heavy judgments, which militates against their reformation: instead of reflecting on their situation as brought on by themselves, they take refuge in complaint and invective, declaring they are "sacrificed"in their own language, "murdered men.

Nilakantha, however, shows that this would militate against the adjective Kankojwalatwacham below.

" "He has probably thought that the circumstances of your brother's birth should not militate against his prospects.

The thoughts of the practitioner should be imbued with a clear conviction of the omnipotence and omnipresence of God; that He is All, and that there can be none beside Him; that God is good, and the producer only of good; and hence, that whatever militates against health, harmony, or holiness, is an unjust usurper of the throne of the controller of all mankind.

"Negligence militates against success."

70 examples of  militates  in sentences