17 examples of milwaukie in sentences

It was Mrs. Lynde of Milwaukie, and she was the only lady who escaped.

They stopped at the mouth of the Milwaukie River, then occupied by Kickapoo Indians.

New York, 1,377,424 Charleston, 56,430 Boston, 447,966 Detroit, 57,707 Bath, 189,932 New Bedford, 152,799 Baltimore, 191,618 New Orleans, 173,167 Providence, 15,152 Cleveland, 63,361 Philadelphia, 211,380 Chicago, 67,316 Buffalo, 100,226 Milwaukie, 22,339

This shows that Chicago had in 1857, being then twenty-five years old, a larger tonnage than Charleston, the capital of the Palmetto Kingdom; and Milwaukie, still younger than Chicago, owned a larger amount of tonnage than the old and wealthy city of Providence.

We came to Milwaukie, where we were to pass a fortnight or more.

Approaching the Milwaukie pier, they made a bend, and seemed to do obeisance in the heavy style of some dowager duchess entering a circle she wishes to treat with especial respect.

To return from the Grecian isles to Milwaukie.

At Milwaukie, as at Chicago, are many pleasant people, drawn together from all parts of the world.

Part of the same band I had seen in Milwaukie, on a begging dance.

With them in Milwaukie, was a chief, the finest Indian figure I saw, more than six feet in height, erect, and of a sullen, but grand gait and gesture.

Returning to Milwaukie much fatigued, I entertained myself for a day or two with reading.

Of the abuses to which all these magical implements are prone, I have an instance, since leaving Milwaukie, in the journal of a man equally sincere, but not equally inspired, led from Germany hither by signs and wonders, as a commissioned agent of Providence, who, indeed, has arranged every detail of his life with a minuteness far beyond the promised care of the sparrow.

Could I but have flown at night through such mental experiences, instead of being shut up in my little bedroom at the Milwaukie boarding house, this chapter would have been worth reading.

Had I been rich in money, I might have built a house, or set up in business, during my fortnight's stay at Milwaukie, matters move on there at so rapid a rate.

This is here called a new city, having been laid out with broad streets and spacious squares, about a century ago, and is now about the size of our five-year old city of Milwaukie!

By degrees more remote trading-posts were established by him, all contributing to the parent one at Chicago; at Milwaukie with the Menomonees; at Rock River with the Winnebagoes and the Pottowattamies; on the Illinois River and Kankakee with the Pottowattamies of the Prairies, and with the Kickapoos in what was called "Le Large," being the widely extended district afterwards erected into Sangamon County.

The soldiers, with their wives and surviving children, were dispersed among the different villages of the Pottowattamies upon the Illinois, Wabash, Rock River, and at Milwaukie, until the following spring, when they were, for the most part, carried to Detroit and ransomed.

17 examples of  milwaukie  in sentences