108 examples of mimicry in sentences

But I really do consider that after a while its effects would be very observablethat in twenty millions of years or so, provided no geological cataclysm supervened, you Butterflies, with your innate genius for mimicry, might be conformed in all respects to the hymenopterous model, or perhaps carry out the principle of development into novel and unheard-of directions.

The strangers assembled to see our childish mimicry of passion, were witness to a highly wrought dramatic scene in real life.

Delighted at this quick-witted mimicry, Patty exclaimed: "I believe you will do.

With the exception of this bloodless mimicry of war, the United Provinces presented for the space of twelve years a long-continued picture of peace, as the term is generally received; but a peace so disfigured by intestine troubles, and so stained by actions of despotic cruelty, that the period which should have been that of its greatest happiness becomes but an example of its worst disgrace.

Peter knew that Jim Pink, who now made a sorry figure in their rear, would one day give a buffoon's mimicry of this his walk to death.

His powers of mimicry were remarkable, and he was fond of singing songs at his banquets.

N. camouflage; mimicry; hiding place; secret place, secret drawer; recess, hold, holes and corners; closet, crypt, adytum^, abditory^, oubliette. ambush, ambuscade; stalking horse; lurking hole, lurking place; secret path, back stairs; retreat &c (refuge) 666. screen, cover, shade, blinker; veil, curtain, blind, cloak, cloud.

Thus military bodies have been ruined by mimicry of foreign arrangements quite inapplicable to the conditions of the mimics' country.

Every man has an innate talent for mimicry,for making a mask out of his physiognomy, so that he can always look as if he really were what he pretends to be; and since he makes his calculations always within the lines of his individual nature, the appearance he puts on suits him to a nicety, and its effect is extremely deceptive.

Both the theatrical performance and the whole festival bore the impress of laziness, indifference, and mindless mimicry.

Curious Mimicry.

The study of physiognomy is one of the chief means of a knowledge of mankind, because the cast of a man's face is the only sphere in which his arts of dissimulation are of no avail, since these arts extended only to that play of feature which is akin to mimicry.

Johnson loved her, and showed his affection in various modes of gallantry, which Garrick used to render ridiculous by his mimicry.

The ears of the little dogs bred for ladies' laps are the curls of a mother's darling; the pendant love-locks of the old, old maid who, despite of changeful fashions, clings to those memorials of the pensive beauty of her youth, are repeated in solemn mimicry by the dachshund trotting at her heels; but the sensible fur cap of the dignified Newfoundland reminds us of the cold regions from which his forefathers came.

Garrick treated him to a mimicry of Johnson, repeating, "with pauses and half-whistling," the lines, Os homini sublime deditcoelumque tueri Jussitet erectos ad sidera tollere vultus: looking downwards, and at the end touching the ground with a contorted gesticulation.

He often exhibited all his powers of mimicry for the amusement of the little Burneys, awed them by shuddering and crouching as if he saw a ghost, scared them by raving like a maniac in St. Lukes', and then at once became an auctioneer, a chimney-sweeper, or an old woman, and made them laugh till the tears ran down their cheeks.

Their mimicry became at length annoying, and precluded our getting at any of their words or ideas.

His mimicry of the Syrian military walkblended of pride and desire not to seem proudwas perfect.

He had a gift of mimicry incomparably finer than any professional's I knew of.

"Avoid all theatrical trick and mimicry, and especially all scholastic stiffness."Id.

184; iv. 7; v. 38; and of his mimicry, ii. 326, n. 3; mimicks, ii. 326, 464; mow of hay, ii. 79; offers to write his Life, iii. 371, n. 1; iv. 99, n. 2; 'played round,' ii. 82; praises his prologues, ii. 325; parody of Percy's Hermit, ii. 136, n. 4; writes him a Prologue, i. 181; iv.

HENDERSON, John, the actor, his mimicry of Johnson not correct, ii. 326, n. 5; visits him, iv.

When he returned to them and explained the joke, they had a hearty laugh over his powers of mimicry.

One of the cleverest of women, she is both humorous and witty, with a gift of mimicry which would have made her a fortune on the stage.

The Yellow breasted Chat naturally follows his superior in the art of mimicry.

108 examples of  mimicry  in sentences