678 examples of minimum in sentences

This is the minimum sum necessary to pay his fare from Seattle to Juneau, purchase his outfit and supplies for one year and pay his necessary expenses in the gold region for that length of time.

Free interchange of pulpits, a system of reciprocal re-ordination, a "merger" of church property and parsons, an "irreducible minimum" of credal insistencies these, and others even more ingeniously compromising, are the well-meaning schemes that are put forward, and in the process one point after another is surrendered, as a quid pro quo for the formal and technical capitulation of some other religious group.

In the Church of England to-day it would be difficult to say what is the minimum belief required either from its members or from its clergy.

This is the minimum claim the State can make, and it will be admitted that it is not only the right but the duty of the State to prevent harm to its members.

I heard that on the Stock Exchange, as in the Paris Bourse, business decreased to a minimum.

The public lands are divided as to price into two classes: those whose minimum price is $1.25 per acre and those whose minimum is $2.50 per acre.

The public lands are divided as to price into two classes: those whose minimum price is $1.25 per acre and those whose minimum is $2.50 per acre.

The latter, usually called "double minimum lands," are in most cases the alternate sections reserved in railroad or other public land grants.

In some cases Indian reservations restored to the public domain have been rated differently, the price varying from below the single minimum to above the double minimum.

In some cases Indian reservations restored to the public domain have been rated differently, the price varying from below the single minimum to above the double minimum.

" "As a shoe too big or too little, one pincheth, the other sets the foot awry," sed e malis minimum.

Pity that Baxter's chapters in 'The Saints' Rest' should have been one and the earliest occasion of the inversion of this process, the fruit of which is the Grotio-Paleyan religion, or 'minimum' of faith; the maxim being, 'quanto minus tanto melius'.

His object was to make it possible for the people to meet him with a minimum of formality and fatigue.

We may feel that the rules to which he was subjected were pedantic; but there was no limit to their effectiveness: they reduced to a minimum the friction that always occurs when great masses of people live close together; they gave Chinese society the strength through which it has endured; they gave security to its individuals.

On comparing T' to T we may consider the experiment as a mechanical operation, having a minimum of: T'/T = (425/PH)AbdC(t-t0).

My attention having thus been directed to the Bay of Fundy, it induces me to inform you, that an inland water communication, at a minimum depth of eight feet, and proportionate expanse, is now forming from Halifax, Nova Scotia, by the Shubenacadie river, falling into the Bay of Fundy, near the abovementioned town of Truro.

The labour register would contain columns in which would be entered the various kinds of employment for which the applicant was willing or suited, and the minimum pay which he was prepared to accept, so that we should be able to ascertain exactly how many out-of-works there were of each particular class.

Out-relief has been reduced to the minimum.

Our housekeeper will naturally desire something that is simple and easily cooked, yet at the same time sustaining and invigorating and containing a maximum of food value with a minimum of cost.

They used to present methe diplomats didwith what they called their Minimum, and then we (I mean Codfish Pasha and me) had to draft in return our Maximumsee?and then we all had to get together again and frame a status quo.

their passion running to its crisis in the minimum of time, and their affections altogether pleasanter than anything of the kind they accuse us of having, as well as less lingering.

I have given, at times, through the foregoing chapters, the cost of travel and residence in Europe, yet a connected estimate will better show the minimum expense of a two years' pilgrimage: Voyage to Liverpool, in the second cabin . . . . . . . . . . .

Well, to keep the skin at an agreeable temperature in India we generally wear a minimum of clothing, and when there is no breeze, we try to produce one with the punka.

The next diagram before you shows the minimum loss of light which I have observed for different air thicknesses.

Minimum standard German vocabulary, prepared in dictionary form.

678 examples of  minimum  in sentences