14 examples of minin in sentences

"It's only while the ground is froze solid you can do this kind o' minin'.

"Minin's an awful gamble," he said, as though admonishing Si McGinty; "but we know there's gold just there.

Do you think I'm a silly old goose to keep them cluttering around so long?" "Wa'al,"Abe with an equally deprecatory gesture indicated Angy's horsehair trunk in the far corner of the loft,"yew ain't no more foolisher, I guess, over yer old trash 'n me an' Angy be a-keepin' that air minin' stock of mine.

"The minin' stock!"

The minin' stock!"

Do y' think minin' is goin' t' pan out well this yar spring?"

Don' you-all know that blastin' scares all th' deer away from a minin' camp?" Bennington looked confused.

Him and Moose had some trouble once over some minin' ground, an' Mart kinda takes it out on all Moose's friends, even if they's only boys an' dogs, don't he, Baldy?"

It's different, minin' so, to what it was when I was a boy at Hamilton.

Some of the minin' outfits down there hired him regular toto protect their interests.

"After my eighteenth bestowin' of the honored name of Scraggs upon a person that didn't appreciate it the Mormon Church see fit to assume a few duties on me. I was put in a position of importance in a placer minin' districk inhabited by jack-rabbits, coyotes, Chinamen, and Mrs. Scraggses.

As there was a minin' boom over the hill, our line of gold pans and gunpowder went well.

I wisht you took to poker more, or minin', or something that's got action.

He didn't know a danothin' at all about minin' ma'am, but every ol' soak of a prospector could git a meal off him by tellin' him about some wildcat bonanza or other.

14 examples of  minin  in sentences