32 examples of minnit in sentences

The minnit these old chaps would "strike," they dropped their crutches, and the umpire would dump them into the vehicle, and away went mister striker.

This made them sleepy, and the consequence was, that the minnit they was led out on the grass, "Sleep, barmy sleep," got the best of 'em, and they laid down and slept like infants.

Man can votewoman can't. Resolved: That as long as man won't give us the ballit, that after Jan., 1871, every mail brat that comes squawkin' into the world, be smothered the minnit he is borned.

Like jumpin' jacks, they danced when the strong-minded pulled the strings, while their ears were pinned back and greased, ready to be swallered at a minnit's warnin'.

" I see they was goin, so I said: "My week-minded and misgided femails, hold your hosses a minnit, until an old statesman, who has served his country for 4 yeer as Gustise of the Peece, says a few remarks to you.

He made poor Ol' Hucks fetch an' carry fer him ev'ry blessid minnit, an' never paid him no wages.

"I jest stood like a dumb critter the minnit I got in," said Marty.

But I tell you, when ye're old's I am, 'n' look back on 't, ye'll be s'prised ter see how short 'tis, an' ye'll reelize more what a fool a man is, or a woman too,an' I do s'pose they're the foolishest o' ther two,ter waste a minnit out on 't on querrils, or any other kind o' foolin'.

I'll go in 'ere for 'arf a minnit and sit down.

" Mr. Goodman looked at 'im very hard, and then he ordered a whiskey and stood watching while Sam, arter pretending for a minnit to look at it as though 'e didn't know wot to do with it, took a sip and let it roll round 'is mouth.

But I tell you, boys, I'd rather drive the wust six-hoss team I ever got hold on down Breakneck Hill 'n the dark, than set there agin under thet woman's eyes, a blazin' one minnit, 'n fillin' with tears the next: 'n' I don't care what anybody sez; I'm a goin' to see her an' tell her that she needn't be afeard

"Patrick promised not to speak of it to a human being; as he was going out of the door he turned back, with a radiant face, and said: 'An 'twas meself that only thought maybe the calikers'd amuse him for a minnit with their quare colors,' and he almost somerseted off the door-steps, uttering an Irish howl of delight.

Just as I stopped to rest myself a minnit, a man say's to me: "Git out of the way, Cuffee.

I haven't a minnit to stop.

Never seed it till dis blessed minnit.' 'Topsy,' said Miss Ophelia, 'don't you know it is wicked to tell lies?'

Can't nobody hab me till dis yer coffee's done; a minnit's a minnit in coffee;but

Can't nobody hab me till dis yer coffee's done; a minnit's a minnit in coffee;but


Oh my dear Miss what would I give if I could see thy lovely Face this precious minnit

" "I shouldn't wait a minnit if it was me," ses old Sam.

"I treed you an' in a minnit I'm agoin' to assassinate you.

I'm agoin' to assassinate you in a minnit an' skin your black har off, I am" "Bill," interrupted Haught, "what are you goin' to do about the other two bears up in the top of the tree?"

I jis now see 'im dis werry minnit.

Wait a minnit, I didn't show you my pitcher what was in de paper, did I?

'T was afishin' dogye knowan' ye was allers dreffle good to fishermen,dreffle good toeverybody; diedfor 'em, did n't ye? "Please waitonthe bank there, a minnit; I 'm comin' 'crost.

32 examples of  minnit  in sentences