11 examples of minuts in sentences

After lookin' 20 minuts for a ball, then findin' the base before the batter did, who just as like as not had strayed out into another lot, it made the old fellers laff.

Fur a minut I thought he was a loonatic, sure's death.

Magna religione quaeritur quae possit adultoria plura numerare Minut.

Cecilius in Minut.

Take ut aisy, is ut, ye say, whin all the demons in this unholy place is jumpin' on me every minut in places promiscuous till I can't tell where to turn, descendin' an' vanishin' marvelious an' onaccountable?

Hewitt ut is,' sez he, 'that attinds to the onaccountable departmint, him as wint by a minut ago.

av the station, across the road outside, an' wait there five minuts by the clock.

Wait five minuts, an, maybe I'll come an' join ye.

I waited the foive minuts, but he niver came, so off I druv to Misther Hollams, and he threated me han'some, sor."

" "What did they do to you on Saturday?" "Saturday, sor, they gave me a whole holiday, and I began to think less of things; but on Saturday night, in a dark place, two blayguards tuk me throat from behind, nigh choked me, flung me down, an' wint through all me pockuts in about a quarter av a minut.

Jarl says he wint a mile a minut', an' the little man never turned a hair.

11 examples of  minuts  in sentences