52 examples of misapprehend in sentences

All words are ambiguous, and capable of different senses, some fair, some more foul; all actions have two handles, one that candour and charity will, another that disingenuity and spite may lay hold on; and in such cases to misapprehend is a calumnious procedure, arguing malignant disposition and mischievous design.

Lord BATH then rose again, and spoke to the following effect:My lords, as the noble lord who has just spoken appears to have misapprehended some of my assertions, I think it necessary to rise again, that I may explain with sufficient clearness what, perhaps, I before expressed obscurely, amidst the number of different considerations that crowded my imagination.

That Hamlet had not misapprehended Horatio becomes evident in the last scene of all.

[Obs.]; delude; give a false impression, give a false idea; falsify, misstate; deceive &c 545; lie &c 544. err; be in error &c adj., be mistaken &c v.; be deceived &c (duped) 547; mistake, receive a false impression, deceive oneself; fall into error, lie under error, labor under an error &c n.; be in the wrong, blunder; misapprehend, misconceive, misunderstand, misreckon, miscount, miscalculate &c (misjudge)

Far be it from me to misapprehend the immense benefit which Christian religion, such as it already is, has operated in mankind's history.

Dear SirYou have misapprehended me sadly, if you suppose that I meant to impute any inconsistency (in your writing poetry) with your religious profession.

Any one who does not happen to hear or notice this remark, is almost certain to misapprehend Dina's parentage.

His position was suchas he himself has described it, there can be no indelicacy in saying sohis position had become painful from various causes, but mainly from the manner in which he had misapprehended the conduct of the English Government with regard to Poland.

" "Jeanette you entirely misapprehend me.

The meaning of this doctrine is misapprehended when it is assumed,an assumption to which the Leibnitzian account of occasionalism may mislead one,that in it the continuity of events, alike in the material and the psychical world, is interrupted by frequent scattered interferences from without, and all becoming transformed into a series of disconnected miracles.

In it facts are distorted, opinions misapprehended, and the acts and policy of the government and its agents greatly misconceived in some things, and wholly misrepresented in others.

He has invariably misapprehended them, and is more suspicious, revengeful, and bad tempered than any Indian I ever knew.

It is impossible to misapprehend the great principles which by their recent political action the people of the United States have sanctioned and announced.

" "You misapprehend the affair, entirely.

"You misapprehend me, sir.

1.Respecting a pronoun, the main thing is, that the reader perceive clearly for what it stands; and next, that he do not misapprehend its relation of case.

"O foy, don't misapprehend me; I don't say so.

' 'My dear young lady, you misapprehend me.' 'No, Doctor Masham, indeed I do not,' replied Venetia, with firmness.

'Venetia,' she said, 'what I am about to speak is not the impulse of the moment, but has been long revolved in my mind; do not, therefore, misapprehend it.

To minimize with many critics Daniel's dependence on his models, or to emphasize with some that of Fletcher, is, it seems to me, wholly to misapprehend the positions they occupy in the history of literature, and to obscure the actual development of the pastoral ideal in this country.

Others add a fourth, which is a clause of indulgence, that these reduced divines may be permitted to follow any lawful ways of living, that will not call them too often or too far from their spiritual offices (for unless I misapprehend, they are supposed to have episcopal ordination).

A writer should endeavor to make it impossible for any one to misapprehend his meaning, though there are some writers of high name both in England and America who seem to delight in puzzling their readers.

Is it my fault, that my habits and modes are dissimilar wholly? 'Tis not her fault, 'tis her nature, her virtue, to misapprehend them: 'Tis not her fault, 'tis her beautiful nature, not even to know me.

" "No, no, my dear count, you misapprehend me," rejoins Trenta, soothingly.

If I misapprehend the situation, and you are doing your work gratis and for the love of the thing, then that is your affair, not mine: I'm glad to hear it, and regret my inability to join you in the luxury of giving away what it is an imperative necessity of my existence to sell at the best price I can.

52 examples of  misapprehend  in sentences