66 examples of misereres in sentences

In Lauds of every feria were recited the psalms, Miserere; Deus, Deus meus; Deus misereatur nostri; a canticle drawn from a prophet and varying each day of the week (e.g., Confitebor, Isaias xii., for Monday's Lauds; Ego dixi, Isaias xxxviii., for Tuesday's Lauds, etc., and the two psalms Laudate (148, 150) and the Cantate, psalm 149).

Holy Week stillwith Pater Noster and Miserere.

These words Domine labia mea aperies, taken from the Psalm Miserere, remind us of God purifying the lips of Isaias His prophet with a burning coal, of how God opened the lips of Zachary to bless God and to prophesy.

16), Magnus es (Tobias, chap. 13), Miserere nostri (Ecclus. 36), Vere tu es Deus (Isaias, chap.

The ruler of the choir, who gave it in the beginning, gave also the signal for the termination of the lesson by the words, 'Tu autem' (scil, desine or cessa), to which the reader responded 'Domine miserere nobis,' while the choir answered Deo gratias.

In the palace of Aix-la-Chapeile, it was by knocking, and not by the words Tu autem, that the Emperor Charlemagne gave the signal for the conclusion of the lections, while the lector recited himself, Tu autem, Domine miserere nobis.

In this triduum, in all hours up to and including None on Holy Saturday the collect is said after the Psalm Miserere.

Before the reform of the Breviary by Pope Pius X,, the Preces at Vespers contained six short prayers and the Psalm, Miserere.

The Miserere is omitted.

To the lectio brevis at Prime, Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis, is added.

From the first Sunday of Advent until the 23rd December inclusive it is "Domine miserere" (Isaias xxxiii,).

At the end of the short lesson the words "Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis; Deo gratias" are added, and after these words are said "Adjutorium nostrum ...

After the Abbot had given his blessing and begged of God to grant the two-fold favour of a quiet night and a good death, a monk read from Holy Scripture, and when a suitable portion was read, or at the end of a Scripture chapter or theme, the Abbot said, "Tu autem," and the reader "Tu autem, Domine, miserere nobis."

In Advent the lectio brevis is "Domine miserere."

the cadence dies away On the quiet moon-lit sea; The boatmen rest their oars and say, Miserere Domini!

She wept in sympathy with the sad Misereres of the Romish chaunting; she rose to heaven with the glad triumphant Gloria in Excelcis: she drew her comfort and her vital strength from the rites of her church.

The feast of All Saints is followed by the feast of the dead, when for a day only the sound of the Miserere is heard throughout the cities of Italy.

"Tanti miserere laboris," in my distress and with regret from John Murray.

Dancing and masquerading are now over and Requiems and the Miserere the order of the day at the conversazioni.

Every dusky spire is ringing With a dull and hollow knell, And the Miserere's singing To the tolling of the bell.

Several admirable ends and elbows remain, and some of the twelve ancient Misereres are of special interest.

Misereres, 48.

The furniture of the choir with the exception of the throne (15th cent.), and a few misereres in the second row of stalls, is modern.

stone reading-desk or pulpit in S. wall; (4) "Miserere" seats in the choir, with their quaint carvings (attributed to the 14th cent.); (5) Jacobean oak pulpit; (6) Norm.

Note also (1) the carved stone pulpit (once in a different position, for there is a piscina behind it), (2) the "Miserere" seats (only those on the N. are ancient, one of them has the initials P.R.S., explained as those of Richard Sprynge, Prior of Woodspring and Vicar of Worle at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th cents.), (3) piscina, sedilia, and aumbry in the chancel.

66 examples of  misereres  in sentences