12 examples of mithra in sentences

But the most common form of worship was that of fire, in Mithra, the genius of light, early identified with the sun.

And yet the sun also was worshipped under the name of Mithra.

Says Zoroaster: "I invoke Mithra, the lofty, the immortal, the pure, the sun, the ruler, the eye of Ormazd."

In India we find Mitra, and in Persia Mithra, the sun-god, among the prominent deities, as Helios was among the Greeks, and Phoebus Apollo among the Romans.

It accepted the gods of all the nations that composed the empire, and placed them in the Pantheon,even Mithra, the Persian sun-god, and the Isis and Osiris of the Egyptians, to whom sacrifices were made by those who worshipped them at home.

The Magithe priests of the Iraniansdiffered widely in their religious views from the Brahmans, inculcating a higher morality and a loftier theological creed, worshipping the Supreme Being without temples or shrines or images, although their religion ultimately degenerated into a worship of the powers of Nature, as the recognition of Mithra the sun-god and the mysterious fire-altars would seem to indicate.

Mithra was the god of light, and as there is no concealment in the light, Mithra was also god of truth.

Mithra was the god of light, and as there is no concealment in the light, Mithra was also god of truth.

And I have come to thee, my deity, to worship thee as I do Mithra.

Before all the army the golden cross had been wrenched from the imperial standard, and a little silver statue of the sun-god, Mithra-Helios, had been soldered to the staff of the Labarum.

AH'RIMAN OR AHRIMA'NES (4 syl.), the angel of darkness and of evil in the Magian system, slain by Mithra.

AHBIMAN, the dragon slain by Mithra.

12 examples of  mithra  in sentences