2607 examples of mixture in sentences

But if, Sir, you have the least mixture in yours of that pride which may be expected, and thought laudable, in a man of your birth, alliances, and fortune, you should rather wish, I will presume to say, to promote what you call my pride, than either to suppress it, or to regret that I have it.

The faults and foibles of deified mortals were transmitted to posterity and incorporated with the attributes of the supreme divinity, and hence the mixture of the mighty and the mean which marks the characters of the Iliad and Odyssey.

In Euripides, Admetus is perhaps actuated by a mixture of motives, real kindness, pride in his ancestral hospitality, and a little vanity.

Sometimes it was bits of beef, sometimes mutton, but the result was mostly a toothsome mixture of turnips and carrots and onions in a sea of delicious gravy, with surprises of meat here and there to vary any possible monotony.

This done, I retired to an arm-chair and put my feet up, sipping the mixture with carefree enjoyment, rather like Caesar having one in his tent the day he overcame the Nervii.

His mixture of emotions may be easily explained.

Like all the lyric poets of the age, they are a curious mixture of the Elizabethan and the Puritan standards.

To the general harmony and good feeling no one contributed more than Lord Elgin himself, by his general courtesy and affability, and especially by his speeches, full of the happiest mixture of playfulness and earnestness, of eloquence and sound sense, of ardent patriotism with broad international sympathies.

de Duras's and de Montcalm's splendid hotels were all but exclusively political and diplomatic; whereas at Gérard's there was a mixture of these with the purely mundane and artistic elements, and, above all, there was a portion of Imperialist fame blended with all the rest, that was hard to be found anywhere else.

The money too is a mixture of the coins of a dozen different countries.

There is no local colour which can excuse this mixture!

It is now for you to judge and determine whether there is a mixture of the sacred and the profane in it, or rather, a mixture of the sacred and the voluptuous.

It is now for you to judge and determine whether there is a mixture of the sacred and the profane in it, or rather, a mixture of the sacred and the voluptuous.

Then, the mixture of discordant elements that are thus produced in the intelligence of the woman; and then when marriage comes, especially if the marriage is not in accordance with the education, but rather with the conditions under which the woman was born, the author explains all these facts which occur in the situation that he depicts.

"The remedy is very simple," he said in a strange accent, a mixture of English and South American.

His temper is, like that of a meteor, an imperfect mixture, that sparkles and flashes until it has spent itself.

But you have to look at the man as he will be, the hybrid mixture of East and West.

All human achievement must be wrought down to this spoon-meatthis mixture of other persons' washy opinions and his own flux of reverence for what is third-hand, before Hinze can find a relish for it.

'Tis common with these creatures, to drink healths upon their bare knees, though it were a mile to the bottom, no matter of what mixture, off it comes.

But methinks for the latitude it hath, and that prerogative above other ordinary symptoms, it ought to be treated of as a species apart, being of so great and eminent note, so furious a passion, and almost of as great extent as love itself, as Benedetto Varchi holds, "no love without a mixture of jealousy," qui non zelat, non amat.

From the voluminous correspondence we retain the following extract from a letter from Moore to Murray: "One of my great objects, as you will see in reading me, is to keep my style down to as much simplicity as I am capable of; for nothing could be imagined more discordant than the mixture of any of our Asiatico-Hibernian eloquence with the simple English diction of Byron's letters.

Miss Farrow spoke with a mixture of coaxing and kindly authority.

"Of course it was a mixture of thought-reading and Bubbles' usual quickness!"

After putting the book back in the bookcase where he had found it, he stood and looked round the splendid apartment with a mixture of interest and delighted attention.

"She's such a queer mixture of shrewdness and simplicity," she went on.

2607 examples of  mixture  in sentences