23 examples of mizzle in sentences

Ripogenus, a lake, had mizzled, (as the Americans say,) literally mizzled.

Ripogenus, a lake, had mizzled, (as the Americans say,) literally mizzled.

When she opened the kitchen-door there was the same small, mizzling rain that had obscured the light for weeks, and now it seemed to obscure hope.

It would be unpardonable, in this catalogue, to omit the cook, David Mizzle.

Mizzle was prematurely baldbeing quite a young manand when questioned on the subject, he usually attributed it to the fact of his having been so long employed about the cooking coppers, that the excessive heat to which he was exposed had stewed all the hair off his head!

Mizzle could not resist a jokeno matter how unsuitable the time or dreadful the consequences.

"Bad luck to them dogs," exclaimed David Mizzle, stroking his chin as he surveyed the bone.

Mind your eye, Mizzle!

Mizzle was a particularly energetic man in his way, however, and frequently kicked with such goodwill that he missed the ball altogether, and the tremendous swing of his leg lifted him from the ice and laid him sprawling on his back.

Unfortunately it went directly over Mizzle's head.

Warps and hawsers were also got out and fixed to the seaward masses, ready to heave on them at a moment's notice; the ship was lightened as much as possible by lifting her stores upon the ice; and the whole crewcaptain, mates, and allworked and heaved like horses, until the perspiration streamed from their faces, while Mizzle kept supplying them with a constant deluge of hot coffee.

"I find it difficult to beat up recruits," answered Fred, laughing; "Peter Grim has flatly refused to act, and O'Riley says he could no more learn a part off by heart than" "His grandmother's pig could," interrupted David Mizzle, who, having concluded supper, now felt himself free to indulge in conversation.

Is the soup in the coppers, David Mizzle?" "Yes, sir, it is.

Meanwhile, David Mizzle furnished them with a large supply of pea-soup, which they seemed to relish amazingly.

David Mizzle was of opinion that the foot-lights "wos oncommon grand," which was an unquestionable fact, for they consisted of six tin lamps filled with seal-oil, from the wicks of which rose a compound of yellow flame and smoke that had a singularly luminous effect.

"Only Mizzle, sir," said Buzzby, slapping his hands together, for the cold was intense; "he said as how he'd stop and have dinner ready agin our return.

Mizzle sais it's a dot, and O'Riley swears (no, he don't do that, for we've gin up swearin' in the fog-sail), but he sais that it's a real post, 'bout as thick again as the main-mast, an' nine or ten times as hy.

Come, Summers and Mizzle, you are well enough to join, and, Meetuck, you must be our guide.

Mizzle begged to be allowed to sleep, if it were only for two minutes, and poor Davie Summers deliberately threw himself down on the snow, from which, had he been left, he would never more have risen.

It was a joyful meeting, too, and a jolly one to boot, for O'Riley was there, and Peter Grim, and Amos Parr, and David Mizzle, and Mivinsin short, the entire crew of the lost Dolphincaptain, mates, surgeon, and all.

You could mizzle in through the shop, run upstairs, pop through the door, downstairs next door and out through the back yard.

'The Rogue's March,' eh? and mizzle.

Come, mizzle!" When he had packed off Burnley, he got back into his hiding-place, and only just in time, for Hope came back again upon the wings of love, and Grace, whose elastic nature had revived, saw him coming, and came out to meet him.

23 examples of  mizzle  in sentences