425 examples of moccasins in sentences

When they returned for breakfast Barbara had joined the others and wore soft Indian moccasins.

In the former case, having killed one of God's and your own oxen, you strip off its hide,because that is the common trophy, and, moreover, you have heard that it may be sold for moccasins,cut a steak from its haunches, and leave the huge carcass to smell to heaven for you.

"Esquimo moccasins," said Mr. Strong.

There were all kinds of carvings from walrus tusks, grass baskets, moccasins of walrus hide, stone bowls and cups, parkas made of reindeer skin, and one superb one of bird feathers, ramleikas, and all manner of carved trinkets, the most charming of which, to Ted's eyes, being a tiny oomiak with an Esquimo in it, made to be used as a breast-pin.

When their shoes were worn out he tanned the skins of goats and made them moccasins, and he even wore a jacket of goat's skin.

Well, he wos about six feet two in his moccasins, an' as thin as a ramrod, an' as blind as a batleastways he had weak eyes an' wore green spectacles.

They also purchased a large assortment of such goods and trinkets as would prove acceptable to Indians, and supplied themselves with new blankets, and a few pairs of strong moccasins, of which they stood much in need.

"Booby" is taking more kindly, day by day, to the buckskin moccasins which "Newt" made and tied on his feet a few days ago.

It occurred to the Great Bear that we might strike his trail some time or other, and when he came to the stony uplift upon which his moccasins would leave no sign, he made traces elsewhere.

They were made by the heels of his moccasins only.

See the traces of the moccasins, scores and scores of them.

I know that the robes, leggings, and moccasins, and bear-claws are of little value to you; but we wish you to have them deposited and preserved in some conspicuous part of your lodge, so that when we are gone and the sod turned over our bones, if our children should visit this place, as we do now, they may see and recognize with pleasure the depositories of their fathers; and reflect on the times that are past.

There should be hobnailed shoesthe nails many and small, not few and large; and also moccasins or rubber-soled shoes; and light, flexible leggings.

His tread was so light that the grass scarcely bent before his moccasins, and no leaves rustled.

"He is wearing moccasins, as his step is too light for boots.

A uniform line of low temperatureaveraging near sixteen degrees, unbroken by thaws except under the occasional warm glare of a noonday sunusually keeps this thin covering on the ground all winter so dry, that the deerskin moccasins, which many persons habitually wear, are scarcely moistened the season through.

The settlers were still frontiersmen, clad in buckskin or homespun, with rawhide moccasins, living in log-cabins, and sleeping under bearskins on beds made of buffalo hides; but as soon as they ventured to live on their clearings the ground was better tilled, corn became abundant, and cattle and hogs increased as the game diminished.

The feet of the oxen became so sore that we made moccasins for them from the hide of the ox that was killed, and with this protection they got along very well.

I rolled up my pants pulled off my moccasins and waded in, having the teams stand still till I could find out whether it was safe for them to follow or not by ascertaining the depth of the water and the character of the bottom.

The bottom was of sharp broken rock, which would be very hard for the feet of the oxen, although we had rawhide moccasins for them for some time, and this was the kind of foot-gear I wore myself.

Both men and oxen were shod with moccasins made of raw-hide to protect the feet against sharp rocks.

Then three maidens, glistening in cloaks of green pine-needles, slipped into the fire circle, throwing showers of violets and yellow moccasin flowers over the earth, calling out, amid laughter, "Moccasins for whippoorwills!

Moved by the same impulse, we all started forward; the man was not far ahead, but our moccasins made no noise in the dust and we closed up swiftly on him and were at his elbow before he heard us.

"Have you not had walks enough?and your moccasins and buckskins in rags!"

We fixed Bill up in fine shape, put feathers in his hair, streaked his face with red and yellow, and had him all togged out in buckskin, even to moccasins.

425 examples of  moccasins  in sentences