38 examples of modifiers in sentences

He summed these up in 1891 as follows: "All the tissues, in our view, are modifiers of the blood by means of an internal secretion taken from them by the venous blood.

And if mere copyists, compilers, abridgers, and modifiers, be encouraged as they now are, it surely will not advance.

In 1829, after his book had gone through ten editions, and the demand for it had become so great as "to call forth twenty thousand copies during the year," the prudent author, intending to veer his course according to the trade-wind, thought it expedient to retract his former acknowledgement to "our best modern philologists," and to profess himself a modifier of the Great Compiler's code.

It is one strong proof of this, that we have heretofore been content to receive our digests of English grammar, either from men who had had no practical experience in the labours of a school-room, or from miserable modifiers and abridgers, destitute alike of learning and of industry, of judgement and of skill.

But a third part of these, and as many more in the preceding list, are confessedly mere modifiers of Murray's compilation; and perhaps, in such a case, those have done best who have deviated least from the track of him whom they professed to follow.

Modifiers or adverbs; 6. Prepositions; 7. Connectives or conjunctions."

Of mere modifiers and abridgers, the number is so great, and the merit or fame so little, that I will not trespass upon the reader's patience by any further mention of them or their works.

His parts of speech are the following ten: "Names, Substitutes, Asserters, Adnames, Modifiers, Relatives, Connectives, Interrogatives, Repliers, and Exclamations."The Gram., p. 20.

Except Comly, the numerous modifiers of Murray's Grammar are none of them more consistent, on this point, than was Murray himself.

So we see that this grammarian and Kirkham, both modifiers of Murray, understand their master's false verb "require" very differently.

14.In consideration of the great authority of this grammarian, now backed by a score or two of copyists and modifiers, it may be expedient to be yet more explicit.

How very little real respect for the opinions of Murray, has been entertained by these self-seeking magnifiers and modifiers of his work!

This silence is sufficiently accounted for by Murray's; of whose work, most of the authors who have any such rule, are either piddling modifiers or servile copyists.

Explanation of Terms.+Any word that alone or with its modifiers calls to mind a single idea, is a term.

A comma is often used to separate a subject with several modifiers, or with a long modifier, from the predicate verb.

Such additions are known as modifiers.

The word-groups which are used as modifiers are the phrase and the clause.

Modifiers: adjectives, adverbs.

The words which, what, and whose may also be used as modifiers of substantives, and when so used they are called interrogative adjectives: ["What manner of man is this?"

While it has the modifiers and complements of a verb, it at the same time has the uses of a noun.

Besides these elementary parts, both subject and predicate may have modifiers.

The usual modifiers of the subject are: 1. Adjective:

The modifiers of the predicate are: 1.

The wrong placing of modifiers.

The subject and its modifiers are striking enough to demand their rightful position,as the introductory words; in "forged his father's name" we have ideas startling enough for a place at the end of the sentence.

38 examples of  modifiers  in sentences