587 examples of molding in sentences

An arch with heavy molding occupied the middle of the spacious room.

Time has been unable to obliterate the skilful work of our forefathers, for the Early English transition arches, the delicate molding, and the exquisite stone tracery in the windows still delight the eye.

His tone unconsciously patronized Cissie's prettiness with the patronage of the male for the less significant thing, as though her ripeness for love and passion and children were, after all, not comparable with what he, a male, could do in the way of significantly molding life.

That morning he had started out with some vague idea of taking Niggertown in his hands and molding it in accordance with his white ideas; but Niggertown had taken Peter into its hands, had threatened his life, had administered to him profound mental and moral shocks, and now had dropped him, like some bit of waste, with his face set over the Big Hill for white town.

The book that had the most influence in molding the thought of the time was the King James (1611) version of the Bible.

The French made their poetry also conform to the law which was molding their prose...

See, it is about the height of this molding.

But verse is felt to be an object for artistic molding, although here too the naturalistic dogmas of the Storm and Stress writers, of the Romanticists, Young Germans and Ultra-Moderns, have often shaken the theories upon which the artistic perfection of our poetry is based.

The levying by the government of an internal revenue tax on cigars, and the introduction of the molding machine, which could be operated by unskilled girl labor, seem to have been the two principal influences tending towards the creation of the big cigar-manufacturing plant.

The molding, however, was accomplished more by groups than by individuals.

I have now arrived at a point where I shall speak more of myself, and the insignificant part I was to play in molding history and shaping the destinies of Oregon and the Northwest.

You leave it to the scientists to dispute whether the valley was formed wholly by glacial action or by some gigantic convulsion of nature, which tore its frowning cliffs apart, leaving the Valley rough, unfinished and uncouth to the gentle, molding hand of Time to smooth it up and beautify its floor with its present growth of oaks and pines and shrub and bush and ferns and vines, and laughing, running waters.

" "Without minimising other arguments advanced in support of the extending of suffrage to woman, I place the emphasis upon the mother's right to a voice in molding the environment which shall surround her childrenan environment which operates powerfully in determining whether her offspring will crown her latter years with joy or 'bring down her gray hairs in sorrow to the grave.'

Do not grudge the hand that is molding the still too shapeless image within you.

EASTMAN KODAK CO. Tenite, a thermoplastic molding.

Tenite injection molding.

Plastacele molding powder and du Pont plastic.

The theory and practice of molding form by means of sound was the next bang at his minddelivered in the clergyman's most convincing manner, and, in view of the proofs that soon followed, an experience that seemed to dislocate the very foundations of his visible world, deemed hitherto secure enough at least to stand on.

Yet even where the ethnical elements are alike, there seems to be a difference of destiny and promiseas if the very land itself brooded over its children, transforming them and molding them to a larger purpose.

To see her molding it with her strong small hands, was enough to have made me insane if I had had any sense left.

Fresh fruit, as sliced banana, blueberries, or strawberries, lightly stirred in just before molding, make other excellent varieties.

Or the manioca may be first cooked in boiling water, using four scant tablespoonfuls for a pint of water, and when transparent, turning it over sliced bananas, pineapples, or oranges, molding and serving with cream and sugar.

Suggestions The use of map or molding board should be constant during the study of this period.

In using the molding board the movements of armies can be shown by colored pins.

Finally, the territorial settlement of 1783 should be thoroughly explained, using map or molding board.

587 examples of  molding  in sentences