29 examples of money-changer in sentences

The money-changers' clerks sat by the bags of coin, with scales and shovel and the tables of exchange.

" They went to the arcades about the square and entered the shop of Hassan, the money-changer.

For as the money-changer (banker) is not allowed to reject Cæsar's coin, nor the seller of herbs, but if you show the coin, whether he chooses or not, he must give up what is sold for the coin; so it is also in the matter of the soul.

" At the tables of the "money-changers," just outside of the sacred enclosure, are the real moneymakers, who give nothing for something.

And thus for three bright years that little shop came to be, for a daily hour or so, a blessed palm-tree away from the burden and heat of the noon, a holy place whither the money-changers and such as sold doves might never come, let their clamour in the outer courts ring never so loud.

On one occasion, in the house of a money-changer, we demolished a secret place of this kind and discovered four large bags filled with some heavy metal.

Was it but fancy that a rabble Of money-changers bought and sold, Filling with sacrilegious babble This temple-court of solemn gold?

Worse than the money-changers whom Christ scourged out of the Temple, the guardians of this edifice make use of His crucifixion and resurrection as a means of gain.

The Pont au Change (then covered on each side with houses and shops occupied by goldsmiths and money-changers) was the place where these people carried on their trade; and they had the privilege of hanging their cages against the houses, even without the sanction of the proprietors.

The goldsmiths and money-changers, however, finding that this became a nuisance, and that it injured their trade, tried to get it abolished.

The ecclesiastics, the nobility, the bourgeois, all gave up their plate and their jewels to furnish the mint, which continued to coin money of every description, and, in consequence of the discovery of America, and the working of the gold and silver mines in that country, the precious metals poured into the hands of the money-changers.

The argentarii were originally, as their name suggests, only money-changers, a class of small business men that arose in response to a need felt as soon as increasing commerce and extended empire brought foreign coin in large quantities to Rome.

There is a momentary sensation of the freedom of the woods, a whiff of oxygen for the anxious money-changers.

on land to become the puny sport of merchant, crimp, and money-changer, and rum and trull.

" Early next morning, Yansen went to the Exchange, and kept an anxious watch for many hours in vain; he was returning hopeless, when he saw the identical youth coming out of the door of a Jew money-changer; he brushed hastily past him, exclaiming, "The unconscionable scoundrel!

On a brass plate upon the door of this establishment there appeared the name of Jacob Nowell, silversmith and money-changer.

By the side of the street, money-changers, wrapped in silent consideration, bent over their trays of queer and outlandish coins.

The gratitude towards them was general and of long duration, for two centuries afterwards (in the year 167 B.C.) the head of the Gaul with his tongue out still appeared at Rome, above the shop of a money-changer, on a circular sign-board, called "the Kymrian shield" (scutum Cimbricum).

Purge Thy Temple as Thou didst in Jerusalem of old time, when Thou didst overset the tables of the money-changers.

She looked back, down the wide gravelled way, through the gate, where the gate-keeper sat, tipped back against the wall on his stool, to the shop of the money-changer's opposite.

A boy leaned half across the polished wood counter and shook his fist in the face of the money-changer.

when the parson got after the money-changers in the Temple, but would shut up and look sour when he took a crack at the short-weight prune-sellers of the nineteenth century.

(b) Acting as money-changer to buy and sell moneys of different nations.

In the Town Hall are preserved the old stocks, the apparatus used in bull-baiting, and a money-changer's table, dated 1627.

'Who will forget,' he says, 'the comparison of the Atreidae to the eagles wheeling over their empty nest, of war to the money-changer whose gold dust is that of human bodies, of Helen to the lion's whelps?...

29 examples of  money-changer  in sentences