386 examples of mongol in sentences

The man through whom, or at least in whose name, Russia was to be restored to herself, to be freed from the Mongol yoke, and brought into living connection with Western Europe, was Ivan, son and heir of Vasili the Blind, Grand Prince of Moscow.

So slavish and degrading was his outward seeming that his wife, a noble and spirited lady, the daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium, could with difficulty prevail upon him to forego the humiliating usages which had hitherto attended the reception of the Mongol envoys.

Under the Abbasid Caliphs of Bagdad the rest of the country preserved its prosperity, but in the thirteenth century Hulaku the Mongol finished the work of the floods, and under Ottoman dominion the Sawâd has not recovered.

When it is said that the Abbasid Khalifate maintained itself from 750 till the Mongol storm in the middle of the thirteenth century, that only refers to external appearance.

A hyena had smelt corpses, but the blackmailing Mongol received no reply to his ultimatum.

This province was the chief residence of Prester John, and there are two neighbouring districts, called Ung and Mongol by the natives, which the people of Europe call Gog and Magog.

There are certain races, such as the Hottentot, the Malay, the American Indian, and mixed bloods, as the Mexican peons and Mongol-Slavs of a portion of the southeastern Europe, that, so far as recorded history is concerned, are either static or retrogressive.

By representing Russia as the aggressor and the Western Powers as the shameless allies of the "Mongol," German diplomacy, more successful within than without, made certain of enlisting Socialist support.

After shaking hands, he showed me a Mongol in the second-class car, and said to me, "That is not one of those we picked up at Douchak when we picked up Faruskiar and Ghangir.

" Popof, to whom I applied for information, told me that the Mongol had got in at Tchertchen.

Had the Mongol brought some news which had made them throw off their usual reserve and gravity?

That is why our hero had been so uneasy all the morning; if he had been looking out over the desert so persistently, it was because he had been warned of Ki-Tsang's plans by the last Mongol who had joined the train at Tchertchen!

"Sou-Tcheou, 25th May, 2:25 P.M. "Train attacked between Tchertchen and Tcharkalyk by the gang of the celebrated Ki-Tsang; travelers repulsed the attack and saved the Chinese treasure; dead and wounded on both sides; chief killed by the heroic Mongol grandee Faruskiar, general manager of the company, whose name should be the object of universal admiration.

In that I recognized all the Mongol pride.

This seigneur Faruskiar, this superb Mongol, this functionary we had seen at work!

Doubtless, the illustrious bandit, having sent in his resignation of the general managership of the Grand Transasiatic, continues his lucrative career in the depths of the Mongol provinces.

The vast system of irrigation that was destroyed by the Mongol armies of Hulugu in the thirteenth century will be restored; the desert will again become populous.

She succeeded first, by means of an immense system of smuggling, currency manipulation, and propaganda, in bringing a number of Mongol princes over to her side, and then (at the end of 1935) in establishing a semi-dependent government in North China.

For the system of communications during the Mongol time and the privileges of merchants, I used P. Olbricht.

p. 240: H. Serruys, The Mongols in China during the Hung-wu Period, Bruges 1959, has studied in this book and in an article the fate of isolated Mongol groups in China after the breakdown of the dynasty.

p. 265: Yen-ta's Mongol name is Altan Qan (died 1582), leader of the Tümet.

Iron Cast iron Iron money (see Steel) Irrigation Islam (see Muslims) Istanbul (Constantinople) Italy Japan (see Meiji, Tada, Tanaka) Java Jedzgerd, ruler, Jehol, province, Jen Tsung, Manchu ruler Jesuits Jews Ju (scribes) Juchên (Chin Dynasty, Jurchen) Juan-juan, tribal federation Jurchen (see Juchên) K'ai-feng, city (see Yeh, Pien-liang) Kalmuk, Mongol tribes (see Ölöt)

ACCA`DIANS, a dark, thick-lipped, short-statured Mongol race in Central Asia, displaced by the Babylonians and Assyrians, who were Semitic.

The people are a mixed race of Mongol type, kindly, courteous, peaceful, and extremely industrious, and in their own way well educated.

The Seljuks were in part gradually absorbed by the advancing Mongol tribes, while numbers fled westward, where they were at length incorporated in the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century.

386 examples of  mongol  in sentences