333 examples of monologue in sentences

The last begins in a monologue upon his own failures in life, and is pervaded by an atmosphere of sadness, sometimes of pessimism, quite different from the spirit of the other two lectures.

Read "Fra Lippo Lippi" or "Andrea del Sarto," and tell what is meant by a dramatic monologue.

Is Hamlet's monologue the meditation of a criminal?

Browning, in his monologue, makes this remark of Michelangelo's, and the comparison between Andrea and Raphael that follows, the kernel of the poem.

Then, while Houseman peered about him with his lantern, not six feet from Aram, and actually between him and the audience, Aram indulged in a long and loud monologue as to whether he should shoot Houseman or not, ending with a prayer to heaven to save him from more blood-guiltiness!

" With a monomaniac, conversation is apt to limit itself to monologue; so, while Henry was greatly interested in this odd talk, it left him but little to say.

Sir Eustace greets them as they approach, plunges at once into monologue, and relates (with occasional warnings from the doctor against over-excitement) the sad story of his misfortunes and consequent loss of reason.

It is the square of the living now, the centre of all the life, amusement and gossip of Marrakech, and the spectators are so thickly packed about the story-tellers, snake-charmers and dancers who frequent it that one can guess what is going on within each circle only by the wailing monologue or the persistent drum-beat that proceeds from it.

she exclaimed during a pause in what had become almost a monologue.

A famous tenor sang folk songs of sunny Italy; two French pantomimists did a graceful and amusing Pierrot and Pierrette; a comedian did a black-face monologue; and the first part of the program concluded with the performances of a young violinist, the son of a Russian tobacconist down town, whom Mrs. Berkeley Hammond had "discovered" and was now sending to Europe to complete his musical education.

And as he terminated this envenomed monologue the Cardinal thrust the fatal paper into his breast, and clasped his hands convulsively together; his dim eyes flashed fire, his thin lips quivered, his pale countenance became livid, and the storm of concentrated passion shook his frail form as with an ague-fit.

He entered upon a monologue that seemed interminable, his voice rising into a shrill excitement and then sinking into a hoarse whisper.

THE AUCTIONEER OFFERING A BARREL OF FUN, a monologue by George Heather.

NEWTON-WALTHAM BANK AND TRUST COMPANY SEE Newton-Waltham Bank and Trust Company, Newton Centre, Mass. NEWTON, HARRY L. Marriage and after; a monologue by Harry L. Newton and A. S. Hoffman.

Si and I, a country girl monologue.

The mother they forgot, a monologue.

Sois poli, Philipp; monologue, de Gabriello, pseud.

Monologue in a pet shop.

NEWTON-WALTHAM BANK AND TRUST COMPANY SEE Newton-Waltham Bank and Trust Company, Newton Centre, Mass. NEWTON, HARRY L. Marriage and after; a monologue by Harry L. Newton and A. S. Hoffman.

Si and I, a country girl monologue.

The mother they forgot, a monologue.

But the intense, rather painful, feeling which had swept over the audience was instantly removed by a comic monologue, and I need not tell you that these monologues,intended to amuse the men from the trenches and give them a hearty laugh,are usually very La Scalathat is to sayrosse.

It was almost a monologue.

Matthew Maltboy was so perfectly free from selfishness at this moment, that he would cheerfully have spared a few words from Miss Whedell's delightful monologue for the gratification of his late rival ("late" was now decidedly the word, in Maltboy's opinion) over the way.

Breaking off rather abruptly, he seemed vexed at the length of his monologue, and went on towards the post-office.

333 examples of  monologue  in sentences