59 examples of monopolist in sentences

"He's always a monopolist at heart.

In fact, the monopolist fixes the price, and everybody who brings leeches to Tangier must accept it.

The Gibraltar Commissariat contractors complain, and with reason, that the Maroquine monopolist supplies the British Government with "the very worst cattle of all Western Barbary.

She was aware that Mr. Cannon meant to establish it first as a weekly, and then, when it had grown, to transform it into a daily and wage war with that powerful monopolist, The Staffordshire Signal, which from its offices at Hanbridge covered the entire district.

illiberality; meanness &c adj.. time-pleaser, time-server; tuft- hunter, fortune-hunter; jobber, worldling; egotist, egoist, monopolist, nepotist; dog in the manger, charity that begins at home; canis in praesepi [Lat.], foes to nobleness, temporizer, trimmer.

Indications are even found of the occurrence among the Romans of that feature so characteristic of the system of associationa coalition of rival companies in order jointly to establish monopolist prices.(26)

But the monopolist was unknown and the lynch-mobs of the lumber trust still sleeping in the womb of the Future.

The weather was helping the monopolist, but he could not tell if a change to frost would be an advantage or not.

There was nothing of the monopolist about Mabel, and she lost no time in making Undine free of the Stentorian group and its affiliated branches: a society addicted to "days," and linked together by membership in countless clubs, mundane, cultural or "earnest."

This group succeeded in gaining power, and in carrying out a number of reforms, all directed against the monopolist merchants.

But the Wang An-shih school was unable to hold its own against the school that stood for monopolist trade capitalism, the new philosophy described as Neo-Confucianism or the Sung school.

In 1723, a large number of planters refused to accept the terms offered by the officials, and destroyed the crops of those who did accept, a condition repeated in the State of Kentucky a few years ago, the only difference being that in the Cuban experience the monopolist was the Government, and in Kentucky it was a corporation.

A monopolist who has lost his monopoly, and a demagogue who has lost his mob, can both write anonymously and become the same newspaper.

If a scarcity of any article occurs at one point of the kingdom, the monopolist there cannot continue his increased price for any duration of time.

He listened to Bletherley with a marked disapproval, and opened a vigorous defence of that ancient tradition of loyalty that Bletherley had called the monopolist institution of marriage.

In the first place, he probably looked upon his players as an encumbrance, since he was in the vein for operatic entertainments just then, and, furthermore, he pictured himself as a future monopolist controlling the destinies of two houses.

BUT JULIET A man may have several intimate friends, and a mother may dote on a dozen or more children with equal affection; but romantic love is a monopolist, absolutely exclusive of all participation and rivalry.

Mr. Fox, extremely discontent at having no power, no confidence, no favour (all entirely engrossed by the old monopolist), has asked leave to resign.

In this case the privilege is socially earned by the monopolist; it is not gotten for nothing.

Yet, as the private owner, unless a great land monopolist, does not control enough of the forest to appreciably affect any of these things, and could rarely sell them even if he could affect them, he will cut down the tree whenever he can gain by doing so.

I've heard you discussed by rich + poor, monopolist + antimonopolist during the publication of "Frenzied Finance" + the worst a monopolist could say was that you were as bad as the Standard Oil, but wanted to get even.

I've heard you discussed by rich + poor, monopolist + antimonopolist during the publication of "Frenzied Finance" + the worst a monopolist could say was that you were as bad as the Standard Oil, but wanted to get even.

There are few more odd examples of the irony of fate in colonial history than that the man who warred against the convict system, fought the battle of colonial self-government, was ever the enemy of the land-shark and monopolist, who denounced low wages, and whose dream it was that the thrifty, well-paid colonial labourer could and should develop into the prospering farmer, should be railed at in the Colonies as the enemy of the labourer.

The efforts of the land reformers were for many years devoted to limiting the acreage which any one person could buy or lease, and to ensuring that any person acquiring land should himself live thereon, and should use and improve it, and not leave it lying idle until the spread of population enabled him to sell it at a profit to some monopolist or, more often, some genuine farmer.

To sum up the experiments themselves, it may be said that the Colony has now reached the stage when the State, without being in any way a monopolist, is a large and active competitor in many fields of industry.

59 examples of  monopolist  in sentences