198 examples of monseigneur in sentences

" When he saw that I was in earnest he was as nice as possible, told me exactly what I wanted to know,that I need not say "Altesse royale" every time I spoke, merely occasionally, as they all like it,that I must speak in the third person, "Madame veut-elle," "Monseigneur veut-il me permettre," etc., also that I must always be at the door when a princess arrived and conduct her myself to her seat.

" "Monseigneur," said the artiste, "you do not appreciate me.

After dinner, the conversation turned upon the duke's younger days, and the lady referred to addressed him in these words"I, monseigneur, never saw the dauphin; but an old friend, who was constantly near his person in his infancy, has described to me that from the midst of his lower jaw there sprung out two teeth.

How Monseigneur would go on in spite of EnoughMonseigneur would consult them when it was necessary.

Now, if Citizen Rigault, who put Monseigneur Darboy down so wittily, had been there, how briskly he would have told the stupid woman that these were National Guards, and not brothers, before her.

Well, as he knows the interest I take in you, and as he wants to creep up my sleeve, because he hopes soon to take the place of one of my curates, he wrote to me that Monseigneur had spoken of you with interest, and that he proposed to put an end to your exile.

She has the complete mastery of Monseigneur.

In order to please Monseigneur and to deserve the good graces of the Palace, there are few priests who resist the temptation to sell their brother-priest, and are not ready to deny Jesus like Peter the good apostle, the first and the model of the Roman pontiffs, three times before cock-crow, that is to say before Monseigneur gets up.

I shall reproach Monseigneur severely for it.

Monseigneur is really too much engaged, said he, but I will obtain admittance for you anyhow.

No, Monseigneur.

That is my desire, Monseigneur.

Monseigneur Jaussen, the Catholic bishop who wrote the accepted grammar and dictionary of the Tahitian language, evolved a delicious, large mango, with a long, thin stone very different from the usual seed, which occupies most of the circumference of this slightly acidulous, most luscious of tropical fruits.

Croye (Monseigneur de la), an officer of Charles "the Bold," duke of Burgundy.

'Ma foi,' said Félix de Bois-Sombre, 'Monseigneur St. Lambert has bad taste, mon ami Martin, to choose Pierre Plastron for his confidant when he might have had thee.'

,' she said, 'let Monseigneur St. Lambert say what he will.

"It is M. de Vitry, Monseigneur," was the reply; "who has just transferred the Maréchale d'Ancre to the safe keeping of the governor.

Let the admiral temporize for a month only, for all the nobles have sworn and said to Monseigneur that they will not wait any longer, that he must employ them within that time, and they will then do their duty.

Monseigneur Sibour had great esteem and affection for Delsarte, and made him his frequent guest.

Several men were appointed at certain periods to ride in great haste toward the English camp, and cry out, Monseigneur vient, Monseigneur vient: Then, small parties advanced with the same speed and the same cry, and this foppery held for many hours, until the mareschal himself arrived.

Several men were appointed at certain periods to ride in great haste toward the English camp, and cry out, Monseigneur vient, Monseigneur vient: Then, small parties advanced with the same speed and the same cry, and this foppery held for many hours, until the mareschal himself arrived.

So here, the Bishop (as we find by his dedication to Mr. Churchill the bookseller) has for a long time sent warning of his arrival by advertisements in Gazettes, and now his Introduction advances to tell us again, Monseigneur vient:

ARTOIS, MONSEIGNEUR D', famed, as described in Carlyle's "French Revolution," for "breeches of a new kind in this world"; brother of Louis XVI., and afterwards CHARLES X. (q. v.).

" "I shall ever be beholden to his lordship, I am sure," Madame Bonaventure said, casting down her eyes and blushing, or feigning to blush, "as well as to you, Monseigneur.

" "Oh, Monseigneur!

198 examples of  monseigneur  in sentences