8555 examples of mooning in sentences

He was mooning about and didn't seem best pleased to see me, but he was quite duly apologetic, said he was puzzling over the tragedy and hoped I didn't mind his trespassing on my property.

You have just obstinately squatted around in Lichfield and devoted all your time to being beautiful and good and mooning around women for I don't know how many years.

It would serve him properly to leave him here mooning over his sweetheart."

We pass over the first few days devoted to honey-mooning, and look in upon them as they sit at dinner.

We've been mooning long enough.

He was as apt as not (going on his facial expression) to be mooning about Sofia when his guest was gesticulating wildly and uttering three hundred words a minute.

"Why didn't I think of that before, instead of standing here mooning?

"It was a joke on us, our mooning round that door all that time, and thinking we were trapped!" "Oh, well, come on; it doesn't matter, now we're free again.

Too proud to learn his business, and too proud also to play the scapegrace as Tom did, he neglected alike work and amusement, for lazy mooning over books, and the dreams which books called up.

" While Chopin was thus mooning over her memory, she seems to have been finding consolation elsewhere than in her music, even as Mozart's Aloysia had done.

To George, mooning in a corner of the railings that seemed to keep all London in a cage, these games were hardly more important than the shoutings and whistlings that rose from the street below.

But I dunno what your ma would say if she knew you were going to live on with HIS folks after you're done honey-mooning.

But if you want to go mooning off alone, it is a sure sign that something is wrong, unless indeed you are in love," and Mrs. M'Kree nodded her head in delight at her own shrewdness.

I only saved it by the happy chance of being near a floe with an ice-foot, which, projecting under the water, gave me foot-hold; and I lay on the floe in a mooning state the whole night under the storm, for I was half drowned.

That mooning, foolish boy must have led her into this romantic folly through some girlish enthusiasm about Joe Daviess, the popular hero of romance.

"It is," said Monk; "and if you go outside and look half-right you'll see the bereaved Mr. O'Dwyer, all got up in sack-cloth, cinders and crêpe rosettes, mooning over the deceased like a dingo on an ash-heap."

Here was this extinct animal mooning about my island like a sulky duke, and me not allowed to rest the sole of my foot on the place.

If you don't you'll go mooning about the shore all day, and that'll never do, for you'll come back glummer than ever.

then that means giving up your life to a great deal of what looks like pure lazinessloafing about, looking about, travelling, talking, mooning; that is the only way to learn proportion; and it is the only way, too, of learning what not to write abouta great many things that are written about are not really material for writing at all.

Come on, man, don't stand mooning there."

Well, but I now, by a series of fine diplomatic inquiries, Find from a sort of relation, a good and sensible woman, Who is remaining at Rome with a brother too ill for removal, That it was wholly unsanctioned, unknown,not, I think, by Georgina: She, however, ere this,and that is the best of the story, She and the Vernon, thank Heaven, are wedded and gonehoney-mooning.

You'll see himas a Teutontrebly taxed, Mooning 'midst metaphysical supposes; Twirling a huge moustache, superbly waxed, And taking pride in slitting comrades' noses.

It is so easy to sniff when one is mooning in imagination over cathedrals, but I have since taken back all those sniffs.

That, Sir, was my mood, when on a never-to-be-forgotten afternoon toward the end of April, I sat mooning disconsolately in my private room and a timid rat-tat at the outer door of the apartment roused Theodore from his brutish slumbers.

"Mooning, as usual," said a hostile voice behind him.

8555 examples of  mooning  in sentences