22 examples of moosehead in sentences

I saw them load a bateau at the Moosehead carry, the next Tuesday, with about thirteen hundred weight of bar iron for this shop.

They spoke of the practicability of a winter-road to the Moosehead carry, which would n

Early the next morning we started on our return up the Penobscot, my companion wishing to go about twenty-five miles above the Moosehead carry to a camp near the junction of the two forks, and look for moose there.

About six miles from Moosehead, we began to see the mountains east of the north end of the lake, and at four o'clock we reached the carry.

In the midst of their conversation, Joe suddenly appealed to me to know how long Moosehead Lake was.

One Ellis, an old white man of Guilford, a town through which we passed, not far from the south end of Moosehead, was the most celebrated moose-hunter of those parts.

I asked the Indian name of Moosehead Lake.

When I asked what it meant, they answered, Moosehead Lake.

Tahmunt thought that the whites called it Moosehead Lake, because Mount Kineo, which commands it, is shaped like a moose's head, and that Moose River was so called "because the mountain points right across the lake to its mouth."

They had followed me from Moosehead and the North.

I noticed at the landing, when the steamer came in, one of our bedfellows, who had been a-moose-hunting the night before, now very sprucely dressed in a clean white shirt and fine black pants, a true Indian dandy, who had evidently come over the carry to show himself to any arrivers on the north shore of Moosehead Lake, just as New York dandies take a turn up Broadway and stand on the steps of a hotel.

It may be that the children of Greenville, at the foot of Moosehead Lake, who surely are not likely to be scared by an owl, are referred to the valley of the Ohio to get an idea of a forest; but they would not know what to do with their moose, bear, caribou, beaver, etc., there.


Moosehead Lake is a little bigger than the Lago di Guarda, and therefore, according to our American standard, rather more important.

For this: the Penobscot at this point approaches within two and a half miles of Moosehead Lake, and over this portage supplies are taken conveniently for the lumbermen of an extensive lumbering country above, along the river.

Late in the afternoon of our eighth day from Greenville, Moosehead Lake, we reached the end of birch-navigation, the great mill-dams of Indian Oldtown, near Bangor.

Times have changed since the Doctor and Mr. Boswell travelled for pleasure; and we much prefer an expedition to Moosehead, or a tramp in the Adirondack, to being boxed up in a four-wheeled ark and made "comfortable," according to the Doctor's idea of felicity.

I took him to the Maine woods instead of my old haunts of the Adirondacks, because the rail served to the verge of the wilderness, and we had, on Moosehead Lake, the resource of a good hotel to take refuge in if matters went ill.

"Moosehead Lake, the chief source of the Kennebeck, in Maine."Id.

There were lines of stores and houses on either side of the main thoroughfare from the river to Moosehead Inn, a long, low, white building that faced the public square.

"Ain't you heard about that woman up at the Moosehead?" "Heard all I care to," said the sister Bet, with jealous feeling.

I was bound to have the 'coon, if I had to follow him clear to Moosehead Lake.

22 examples of  moosehead  in sentences