135 examples of mor in sentences

Is not that Dunstan he who check'd the king About his privy dealing with the nun, And made him to do penance for the fault? MOR.

Sir, did you send for me? MOR.

O shameless creature, was't not thy device? MOR.

Bohemus, de mor. gent.

* * 31 car' goes em bar' go im mor' tal ized prin' ci ple col' o nists rep re sen ta' tion de ri' sion pa' tri ot ism Phil a del' phi a THE BOSTON TEA PARTY.

ly hu' mor ex

* * 77 Brit' on (un) ant' lers wrin' kled vet' er an im mor' tal THE SWORD OF BUNKER HILL.

Ant Mor Khar Ashes P[=u]r Hiss Barley

"Seattle's Mor.

In 1480, Gerald, eighth Earl of Kildare, called by his own following, Geroit Mor, or Gerald the Great, became deputy, and, from that time forward under five successive kings, and during a period of 33 years, he "reigned" with hardly an interval until his death in 1513.

Geroit Mor is perhaps the most important chief governor who ruled Ireland upon thorough-going Irish principles.

THE KILDARES IN THE ASCENDANT, When the Battle of Bosworth brought the adherents of the Red Rose back to triumph, Gerald Mor was still Lord-deputy.

Geroit Mor had died in 1513 of a wound received in a campaign with the O'Carrolls close to his own castle of Kilkea, but almost as a matter of course his son Gerald had succeeded him as Viceroy and carried on the government in much the same fashion; had made raids on the O'Moores and O'Reillys and others of the "king's Irish enemies," and been rewarded with grants upon the lands which he had captured from the rebels.

Nor I neither Sir. Mor.

Good Sir no more, what ere my Husband was, I know what I am, and if you marry me, you must bear it bravely off Sir. Mor.

What sayes your worship to this mony? Mor.

A thousand Sir? Mor.

Be blithe and bonny steward: Master Morecraft, Drink to this man of reckoning? Mor.

Now Polecat, what young Rabets nest have you to draw? Mor.

Art thou in earnest Morecraft? Mor.

Wilt thou persevere? Mor.

My wife Sir. Mor.

On some occasions, however, the bold outline of the mountains is relieved against a clear sky, and their loftiest points catch the first rays of the mor

Among other names, the purification fire was called Teine Bheuil, fire of Beul, and Teine mor Bheuil, great fire of Beul.

They fed the fire from cuaile mor conaidh caoingreat bundles of sacred faggots brought to the knoll on Beltane Eve.

135 examples of  mor  in sentences