25 examples of motivated in sentences

<Move, mote, mob> (move): (1) move, movement, removal, remote, promote, promotion, motion, motive, emotion, commotion, motor, locomotive, mob, mobilize, automobile, moment; (2) immovable, motivate, locomotor ataxia, mobility, immobile, momentum.

Poetry has, he believes, a moral effect, but he does not establish this moral effect as its motivating purpose[402].

The female's various emulsions of coyness and display are motivated by posterior pituitary and gonad hormones in alliance.

If no one is invited then the first harbingers of emergent paradigms will be those who have been motivated to train themselves in spite of the obstacles set in front of them by those who hope to maintain exclusive control over the code.

The Latin countries were vaguely imagined by romantic novelists as a sort of remote but actual pays du Tendre where the most extraordinary actions might occur if only "love, soft love" were the motivating force.

Accident, though tempered in various degrees by jealousy, hatred, envy, or love, was the supreme motivating force.

Among the works of her first decade of authorship a few effusions in which Mrs. Haywood has succeeded to a degree in motivating, characterizing, or analyzing the passions of her characters, must be exempted from the general charge of commonplaceness.

She is by no means a simple heroine motivated by the elementary passions; instead she is constantly swayed by emotions and desires of the most diverse and complex nature.

To the scribbling authoress love was the force that motivated all the world.

Here she creates, or motivates, the other characters.

It proved the last touch she needed to quicken the concern she had from the beginning felt for him into an entirely real thing, a motivating principle.

But such was the cold, cynical delight in this fellow's doing his duty, such was his arrogant, overbearing attitude toward the helpless peasant prisoners, that I know my prayers for the end of the war were not motivated entirely by selfless considerations.

" Their search for these hapless victims was not motivated by any sentimental reasons, but simply by their business interest as local dealers in helmets, buttons and other German mementos.

The preference was because of a number of counts, however; moreover, the man eater takes second place beside Little Shikara, whose bravery and loyalty motivate the thrilling climax of the narrative.

Yet, if there was one thing he knew other than typing at an incredible speed, it was to keep his juniors motivated.

There wasn't any motivating force.

Two individuals were exceptions to this rule, and they jumped onto the idea and have been a constant motivating factor all throughout i.e. GCCI President and

Wilhelm's false relationship to Theresa is admirably conceived, motivated, and worked out, and still more admirably turned to account.

You may, in this case also, justify yourself as having been quite true to nature, but I doubt whether you will be able to do this as regards the "sentimental" demands of your readers; and thereforein order that nothing should interfere with the reader's acceptance of a scene which is so splendidly motivated and so well worked outI would advise you to pay some attention to it.

I should have liked to see the appearance of the Marquis in the family motivated by something more than his mere dilettanteism in art.

Of coursewhy that motivates the transformation to follow.

(3) The plan ignores the stimulus (motivating force) which private ownership has given and still gives to the maintenance and fuller productive use of land.

Their history records growth at home, expansion abroad, exploitation, domestic and foreign under the pressure of effective motivating forces.

With the physical visions he mingled spiritual ardors brought into play and motivated by his old readings of the casuists, of the Busembaums and the Dianas, of the Liguoris and the Sanchezes, treating of transgressions against the sixth and ninth commandments of the Decalogue.

The second of the three has the best motivated plot; the first and third have, by virtue of their national substance, their witty dialogue, and their droll humor, proved dearer to the heart of the German people.

25 examples of  motivated  in sentences