Do we say motive or motif

motive 3074 occurrences

On the one hand stress is laid upon motive as giving its value to action.

He could be induced to this base action only by a base motive, that of obviating any difficulties which a suspicion of his holding opinions different from those avowed by the establishment, might throw in the way of his preferment: and of rendering himself a possible object of the bounty of "his worthy masters and mistresses," whenever the golden days arrive, in which they shall again dispense the favours of the crown.

It seems to us a novelty in literary practice that a writer raised far by fame and fortune above the vulgar temptations of the craft should undertake to tell a story already frequently and recently told by masters of the highest authority and most extensive information, without having, or even professing to have, any additional means or special motive to account for the attempt.

In a word, such was the political condition of the Strangers, the Jewish polity furnished a strong motive to them, to become servants, thus incorporating themselves with the nation, and procuring those social and religious privileges already enumerated, and for their children in the second generation, a permanent inheritance.

Walter Grierson has told you a falsehood, and his motive for it is adequate to his nature.

"Why, Rachel, look you, we are forced to do it, or not to do it, precisely as the motive culminates into action, but we are not sensible of the compulsion; and so am I under the necessity to tell you that Walter Grierson is playing false with you, according to the inexorable law of his nature.

The motive which no man or woman could make or even modify, was the prime spring as well as ruler of the will, cropping out, to use his own words, from moral, if not also physical causes, laid when God said, "Let there be light, and there was light."

There was a further motive for this: in states founded by nomads, with a federation of tribes as their basis, the personal qualities of the ruler played an important part.

It is therefore superfluous to urge any other motive.

Praise is so pleasing to the mind of man, that it is the original motive of almost all our actions.

But, whatever be the motive of insult, it is always best to overlook it, for folly scarcely can deserve resentment, and malice is punished by neglect[m].

It was so pleasant to live in perpetual vacancy, that he soon dismissed his attention as an useless incumbrance, and resigned himself to carelessness and dissipation, without any regard to the future or the past, or any other motive of action than the impulse of a sudden desire, or the attraction of immediate pleasure.

Whatever motive first incited action, has still greater force to stimulate perseverance; since he that might have lain still at first in blameless obscurity, cannot afterwards desist but with infamy and reproach.

Wilder urged the latter reason as a motive for the females to seek their rest beneath a little canopy of tarpaulings, which his foresight had also provided, and on mattresses he had brought from the ship Perceiving that their protector wished to be alone, Mrs Wyllys and her pupil did as desired; and, in a few minutes, if not asleep, no one could have told that any other than our adventurer had possession of the solitary launch.

" The real motive, however, for getting rid of his pendant companion was a twinkling of humanity, that still glimmered through the rough humour of the tar, who well knew that his prisoner must hang where he did, at some little expense of bodily ease.

Still, there was a gleaming of powerful anxiety in the watchful glance that she threw towards her guest, as though she would divine the motive of the visit by the wanderings of his changeful eye, even before his lips had parted in the customary salute.

The quality of the service is much the same, find the motive where you will.

The improbability of winning Honora's hand, and the freedom with which she received the addresses of other men, undoubtedly went far to convince him of the folly of sticking to trade with but one motive; and so soon as he attained his majority, he left the desk and stool forever, and entered the army.

But there were those in influential positions in England who were not content with publicly approving the act, but publicly proclaimed the motive.

"II can't understand your motive, that is all.

But (turning to Miss Flyn) what motive could induce this lady to take so much disgrace upon herself, when a word's explanation might have relieved her? MISS FLYN

The letters to Mrs. Steward show the friendly intimacy in which the relations had lived, since the opposition of the Whigs to King William's government in some degree united that party in conduct, though not in motive, with the favourers of King James.

As it is, we must hold Dryden to have acted from conviction, since personal interest, had that been the ruling motive of his political conduct, would have operated as strongly in 1688 as in 1660.

The sanctuary seemed to be talking to him like an indiscreet friend, betraying the real motive that had caused him to evade his appointment with his political friends and disobey his mother into the bargain.

They know very well what is good!The second motive is hatred.

motif 87 occurrences

J'ai l'honneur de remettre sous ce pli à votre Excellence une lettre que j'ai reçue d'un de mes concitoyens les plus distingués, avec une correspondance touchant une matière à laquelle il me semble que le Danemark ne soit guère moins intéressé que ne le sont les Etats Unis; le premier y ayant contribué le digne motif, l'autre en ayant heureusement accompli l'objet.

The motif is settled by a majority of large, granular cells, which stain a distinctive yellowish-brown when the gland is fixed in a solution of bichromate of potash.

Through it like a golden thread ran for a motif little melodies that had to do with a man who had staggered into Fort Desolation out of the frozen North, sick and starved and perhaps wounded, but still indomitably captain of his soul.

Thus the triangular motif is sustained throughout, from the three low doorways in the screen up to the far-distant roof.

There is the same long raincoat that runs as a motif through all the other pictures.

" Through many others of his letters rings this vain "leit-motif" like the wail of Tristan.

These opinions do, in their various keys, sound a similar motif to mine.

Naturally he did not admire Augustus Clarence Percy Marmaduke Grobble (learned in millinery; competent, as modes varied, to discuss harem, hobble, pannier, directoire, slit, or lamp-shade skirts, berthes, butterfly-motif embroideries, rucked ninon sleeves, chiffon tunics, and similar mysteries of the latest fashion-plates, with a lady undecided).

These medieval coronets, which were repeated even on the peaks of the chimney pots, were the everlasting decorative motif of an industrial city little given to dreams and lusting for lucre.

It is a cosmopolitan community, tooas cosmopolitan as it can be and still retain its Senegambian motif.

Thus it is written; the missionary motif in the Scriptures.

Thus it is written; the missionary motif in the Scriptures.

Betty happened to have bluebird plates and she used paper napkins with a bluebird motif.

Who makes our cause and wrong The motif of his song; Who sings our racial good, Bestows us honor's place, The cosmic brotherhood Of geniusnot of race.

In the centre group of Michael Angelo's "Last Judgment," we have the same leading motif, but treated in a very different feeling.

The Virgin in the act of suckling her Child, is a motif often since repeated when the original significance was forgotten.

He lies extended on her knee, and she looks down upon him with hands folded in prayer: or she places her hand under his foot, an attitude which originally implied her acknowledgment of his sovereignty and superiority, but was continued as a natural motif when the figurative and religious meaning was no longer considered.

The Virgin is seated in glory, with her Infant on her knee, and encircled by cherubim; on one side an angel approaches with a basket of flowers on his head, and she is in act to take these flowers and scatter them on the saints below,a new and graceful motif: on the other side sits John the Baptist as a boy about twelve years of age.

The infinite variety which painters have given to this most simple motif, the Mother and the Child only, without accessories or accompaniments of any kind, exceeds all possibility of classification, either as to attitude or sentiment.

The motif of the tale and the kind of life described in it alike show the primitive conditions out of which it had its rise.

Hence a motif that may seem to us insufficient and remote as the subject of a great epic arose out of the necessities of actual life.

un juste motif de lui déclarer la guerre.

Je ne sais, au reste, ce que vous penserez d'une imagination qui est venue à mon fils: elle est bizarre, il en convient lui-même; mais le motif est pardonnable et même délicat: c'est qu'il m'a prié de lui permettre de n'arriver d'abord chez vous que sous la figure de son valet, qui, de son côté, fera le personnage de son maître.

Le beau motif qu'il me fournit ! J'amuserai

donc le motif de ses refus?

Do we say   motive   or  motif