38 examples of motorists in sentences

A party of motorists were going in to Watauga, starting from the Country Club on the Ridge crest.

Lanyard replied with the curt nod of a disgruntled motorist.

The cry came from Peggy as she rushed to the side of the young motorist.

There cannot be the smallest doubt it will be realised, and when the young dukes, landed proprietors, financiers, motorists, officers in the Guards, barristers, and curates are marched off in gangs to their apportioned labour in the stoke-holes, coal-mines, and December fishing fleets, how the workmen will laugh, how exult!

Blue had gallantly claimed Juanita Sterling for her second dance, and as they waltzed down to the street they saw the motorists whom they had left beside the road driving toward them.

Though we crept along as circumspectly as a motorist who knows that he is being trailed by a motor-cycle policeman, peering behind farmhouses and hedges and into the depths of thickets and expecting any moment to hear a gruff command, emphasized by the bang of a carbine, it was not until we were at the very outskirts of Aerschot that we encountered the Germans.

The usual accompaniments of a visit, a noisy and chattering crowd of motorists, eager to rush round the enclosure quickly, to purchase a packet of postcards and be off; the hut for the sale of the cards, and the absurdly incongruous, but (alas!)

[Illustration: Keen Motorist (who has temporarily taken to push-biking, to leisurely fowl which has brought him low).

The slowly moving panorama of hill and dell, which was lost upon the touring motorists who continually passed him, filling the air with their evil smells and clouds of dust.

There was no train in sight and plenty of time to cross, said the motorist.

The motorist looked up the track and at the gate and road, and then followed explosives, smoke and dust from the impatient machine, which slowly moved backward a short distance up the road again.

The gate-keeper ran forward shaking her flag and screaming as she guessed the motorist's intention.

The motorist looked at Markham and then at the advancing train in bewilderment; then jumped clear of the track beside Markham as the freight train, its brakes creaking, its steam shrieking, crashed into the unfortunate machine, turning it over and then crumpling it into a shapeless mass, through which it tore, its impetus carrying it well down the road and scattering the torn fragments of nickel and steel on both sides of the tracks.

It was not until the train had been brought to a stop that Markham had had time to notice that the motorist was a womannot until she turned a rather wan face in his direction that he saw that the victim of this misfortune was Hermia Challoner.

The main line of traffic from Evreux, they had learned, lay some miles to their right, and it was over this road, a much harder one, that the motorists went if southward bound.

It will remind us of those days at Compigne, those long days of sunshine and delightof the moonlit Oise, and the tiny auberge at La Croix among the beeches, which even the motorists hadn't yet discovered.

Millions of motorists now spend their vacations in the government and state forests.

Miss Foster taught dancing in the winter and, being an enterprising young woman, had persuaded her mother to open the old house for a tea room for the motorists who sped by in great numbers on every fair day, and who had no opportunity to get a cup of tea and a sandwich any nearer than Glen Point in one direction and Athens Creek in the other.

*** "Women," says a technical journal, "are a source of grave danger to motorists in crowded city streets."

The Strange case of the cautious motorist.

As for the man himself The car, rushing on through the summer night, its powerful searchlights sending ahead a long, clear lane of safety where the road was straight, but making the dark walls on either side resolve into black pockets of mystery where the curves came, approached one of those long, winding descents, followed by a second abrupt turn and a corresponding ascent, which areor should bethe terror of motorists.

She will not be wooed by cyclists, motorists, goggled motor-cyclists, and the rest: she is not like a modern young lady who, despite ideals, must marry, and will take men as they are found in her day and generation.

The tourist, the leisurely traveler, the comfort-loving motorist would never behold it.

Though we cannot now see how it would be possible, the day may come when every automobile and aeroplane will be equipped with its wireless telephone, and the motorist and aviator, wherever they go, may talk with anyone anywhere.

An American motorist went to Germany in his car to the army maneuvers.

38 examples of  motorists  in sentences