194 examples of mottled in sentences

He was short and fat, with a red mottled face; a model of discretion and imperturbability, who had served Crewe for ten years, and bade fair to serve him another ten, if he lived that long.

In persons so afflicted there appears a fatigability, a sensitiveness to cold, cold hands and feet, which are sometimes mottled bluish-red, a loss of appetite and zest in life, and a mental instability characterized by an indecision, and a tendency to worry, a weepishness upon the slightest provocation.

His lips were thick and purple-red, and his cheeks mottled here and there with little clots of veins.

A big-boned mottled horse, once evidently a beauty, was between the shafts.

From the coast inland stretched dreary sand-plains, dotted over with thick clumps at mimosa scrub and mottled patches of thorny bush.

His skin bad none of the freshness and clearness of Montgomery's, but was dusky and mottled, with one huge mole amid the mat of tangled black hair which thatched his mighty breast.

There are people adoring it who would be stupid, reticent, and recalcitrant under any other banner, who would "wonder what it all meant" if they were in a calmer, clearer atmospherewho would be muddy-mottled and careless in a more classical and ambrosial arena.

Indeed, a mottled little animal, of the description mentioned, had darted from the tulip toward a large oak, and falling as he flewwhich we believe characterizes the flight of this squirrelhad lit upon the oak near the root, and run rapidly up the trunk.

The wan white morning sun mottled the earth with long shadows and streaks of light.

Mrs. Pipchin was a marvellous ill-favoured, ill-conditioned old lady, with a mottled face like bad marble, a hook nose, and a hard grey eye.

In examining this tomb Mr. Tucker had a narrow escape from being bitten by a boba, a venomous snake, nearly three feet in length, with vicious mouth, long fangs like a rattlesnake, and a strikingly mottled skin.

There was a twinkle in the shipbroker's eyes which irritated him almost beyond endurance, and in the doorway Mr. Kybirdhis face mottled with the intensity of his emotionsstood an unwelcome and frantic witness of his shame.

Glendin stood dazed, his face mottled with a sick pallor.

The butterflya flying flower Wheels swift in flashing rings, And flutters round his quiet kin With brave flame-mottled wings.

There was still a groggy look in his mottled face.

He would shoot Quade, for he knew why the mottled beast had been at the window.

Post, Melville Davisson, The Mottled Butterfly (Red Book, August); The Great Cipher (Red Book, November).

for God's sake, steady!" shrieked the voice of our colonel behind us; but in front was nothing but the green gentle slope of the grassland, all mottled with daisies and dandelions.

Along the bank below the old fence, the wild blackberries disputed possession with the roses; while the little stream was mottled with the tender green of watercress and bordered with moss and fragrant mint.

The trunk of the red maple is a clear ashy gray, often mottled with patches of white lichens; and when the tree is old, the bark cracks and can be peeled off in long, narrow strips.

Picture a crowd of ragged men, some in drab turbans with loose ends hanging down their backs, but most of them in dingy red fez hats, faces unshaved, mottled, uglya squat people, very talkative, but terribly mirthless; and in shadowy corners of the low dark café solitary persons with hook-nosed, ruminative faces.

The draught allayed his spasm; he wiped his broad, purple face, chuckled, tossed off the last of the liquor with a smack, and held out a mottled, fat hand, bare of wrist-lace.

It consisted of sandstone marls, red, blue, green, orange, purple, white, brown, lilac, and yellow, interstratified with magnesian limestone in bands of purple, bluish-white, and mottled, with here and there shining flecks or great glares of gypsum.

Colour bright buff, many of the branches having a piebald aspect, or mottled with dark purple patches; when wetted these portions present a beautiful crimson colour.

The glitter of a tear was in his mottled eye, and it stirred me strangely.

194 examples of  mottled  in sentences