5 examples of moule in sentences

I am permitted, by the kindness of the Rev. H.C.G. Moule, from whose delightful biography the foregoing sketch has been compiled, to reproduce a page from this address.

Mr. Archibald Forbes' Life of Sir Henry Havelock is one of the most fascinating works of its kind; the Rev. H.C.G. Moule's Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon is delightfully written and full of interest, and the Rev. J.H. Overton's Life of Wesley gives an admirable picture in brief of the great revival preacher.

The late Bishop of Durham, Dr. Moule, was born at Fordington Vicarage.

Maure ne fasse pour de l'argent, je donnai à celui-ci un ducat, et, pour l'amour du ducat, il m'apprit tout ce qu'il savoit, et me donna même des moules en bois et autres ingrédiens que j'ai apportés en France.

According to Moule's "Essay on Roman Villas," "it was here that numbers assembled daily to pay their respects to their patron, to consult the legislator, to attract the notice of the statesman, or to derive importance in the eyes of the public from an apparent intimacy with a man in power.

5 examples of  moule  in sentences