2232 examples of much better in sentences

"Those at Fort Meigs are not much better.

'How much better for him to be here, using his great talents to the advantage of his family in an honourable profession, than to remain where he is, debauching body and mind by hopeless dreams, godless studies, and frivolous excesses.

A somewhat lofty isolation is still manifested here and there; a few regular attenders appear heavily oppressed with the idea that they are not only as good as anybody else but much better.

It was to the memory of Robert Dodsley, the bookseller, Johnson's acquaintance, who, as his tombstone rather superciliously avers, had made a much better figure as an author than "could have been expected in his rank of life."

Nor have the modern philosophers, who have endeavoured to throw off the jargon of the schools, and speak intelligibly, much better succeeded in defining simple ideas, whether by explaining their causes, or any otherwise.

The late Mr. H.S. Mahony used to say that if girls would only bend down more to the ball they would be able to volley much better.

"Good-morning, sir, I'm glad to see you looking so much better.

"I don't know how great you may be," said the Guinea-man, "but I don't like your looks; I have often bought a man, much better than both of you together, all muscles and bones, for ten guineas.

He pressed one ear against the ground, which, as all know, is a much better conductor of sound than the air.

That's no sort of a solution," say the men; "they're nice girls and would be much better off in some other trade."

And among other things I see now much better than I did why patent medicines are so popular.

You feeling a bit more able than usual, Brother Rae?" "Much better, Brother Seth.

Much better, while the body is strong and in its prime, while the sight is clear, the teeth sound, and the hair still black and long, to die in battle fighting bravely.

There are earnest, thoughtful, praying souls present, who help me in conducting the meeting, and you would be astonished to see how much better I can do when not under the keen embarrassment of delivering a lecture, as at Dorset....

After he had gone to bed I went to looking over my clothes, but I could find nothing that was suitable that I could possibly spare; then I began looking over the children's things, but could find nothing that the poor dears could be deprived of; so I went to bed with a heavy heart, and lay a long time thinking of the destitution of the poor heathen, and how much better off

Soon, like the children, we began to discover it was "too good for us," and found that we liked plenty of new milk much better for general use; besides, consume as much as we would, we had still more than was wanted: so we invested fifteen dollars in a churn and other requisites, and thought with great satisfaction of the saving we should effect in our expenses by making our own butter.

After this, the Latin tutor began the usual course of "getting better," until he got so much better that his face was very sharp, and when he smiled, three crescent lines showed at each side of his lips, and when he spoke, it was in a muffled whisper, and the white of his eye glistened as pearly as the purest porcelain,so much better, that he hopedby springhemight be abletoattendto his class again.

Our sick soldier is so much better since leaving Gulmarg that he is able to hop "around" with considerable activity on his crutches.

As for the Ladies, I do not know how many there were of them, but they were of good social positionquite as good as the average of those whose main object in life is to look as much better than their neighbors as circumstances will admit.

" The notion which the learned divines set forth so elaborately at Westminster, art has expressed in forms much better "understanded of the people."

This seems a much better idea than having the vessel on the Embankment, where it would be in everyone's way.

On the second and third days I felt much better.

Dr. H came again to-day to see the poor sick boy, who is doing much better, and bidding fair to recover.

But that grief was past, in its bitterness; she knew it was much better so.

"I don't know whether I am much better off than you," said an English lady, Mrs. Bridgetower.

2232 examples of  much better  in sentences