31 examples of muhammadans in sentences

The sight of the unscreened windows of her new home struck a chill into Imtiazan's heart; and when the door opened and she was met by three elderly Muhammadans who saluted her as their "Bai-Saheb," fear took possession of her soul.

[Footnote 14: In early accounts of India the Muhammadans are always called Moors; the Hindus, Gentoos or Gentiles.

The people having never heard of Christians, thought the French must be a kind of Muhammadans, but they could not make out from what country they came.

a number of the epithets which are applied to the gods, from texts of all periods; and from these we may see that the ideas and beliefs of the Egyptians concerning God were almost identical with those of the Hebrews and Muhammadans at later periods.

Muhammadans too, regarded as Mlechcha, are still received among the Jaina communities.

Lal Bagh includes in its family not only its majority of Christian girls, but also a scattering of Hindus and Muhammadans who have made more or less of a break with ancestral customs.

The Muhammadans believe that the body of their prophet cast no shadow.

The Muhammadans offer up prayers for the dead, but I never heard of their praying for the unborn.

[20] The Muhammadans, after being cured of sickness or wounds, also their women, after recovery from child-bed, always bathe in luke-warm water; which is called the ablution of cure.

It is superfluous to remark that the Muhammadans pray with their face turned towards Mecca, as far as they can guess its direction.

" 'Isa is the name of Jesus among the Muhammadans; who all believe, (from the New Testament, transfused into the Kuran,) in the resurrection of Lazarus, and the numerous cures wrought by our Saviour.

The Muhammadans reckon their day from sunset.

" The month of Ramazan consisting of thirty days, is the Lent of the Muhammadans.

The Saiyids, who pretend to be descended from 'Ali, wear green dresses, which is a sacred colour among the Muhammadans.

The Muhammadans divide the world into seven climes, and suppose that a constellation presides over the destiny of each clime.

Khizr or Khwaja Khizr is the name of a saint or prophet, of great notoriety among the Muhammadans.

There is another 'Id, called Al-Kurban, in commemoration of Abraham's meditated sacrifice of his son Isaac, or as the Muhammadans believe of his son Ishmael.

" [240] The Muhammadans reckon a hundred and twenty years as the 'umri tabi'i, or the natural period of man's life.

The Muhammadans, as of yore all good Christians, believe that the earth is a flat circular plane; and on the confines of this circle is a ring of lofty mountains extending all round, serving at once to keep folks from falling off, as well as forming a convenient habitation for the jinns, &c., aforesaid.

" The Muhammadans have great confidence in charms which are written on slips of paper, along with numerous astrological characters.

Plato is supposed by the Muhammadans to have been not only a profound philosopher, but a wise physician.

God hath, among the Muhammadans, ninety-nine names or epithets; the Ismi A'zam is one of the number, but it is only the initiated few who can say which of the ninety-nine it is.

To this point all Muhammadans must turn when they pray.

" The Muhammadans believe that on the day of judgment all who have died will assemble on a vast plain, to hear their sentences from the mouth of God; so the reader may naturally conceive the size of the plain.

Azur, the father of Abraham, was a famous statuary and idol-worshipper, according to the ideas of Muhammadans.

31 examples of  muhammadans  in sentences