333 examples of mum in sentences

Ay, Sharp, we are bound to labour in our Callings, but mum here he comes.

Ay mum, mum fair, pray God may chance it, My lord, but that my case is desperate, I'd see your eyes out, ere I would be cheated.

Ay mum, mum fair, pray God may chance it, My lord, but that my case is desperate, I'd see your eyes out, ere I would be cheated.

"I say, you know, Mum's making a jolly mistake about that kid.

I'll find him, mum, sure.

"So, so,I see,mum's the word.


the third time he said, "Well, mum," and after that he simply blew enormously each time, scratched his head, and looked at his scales with an unprecedented mistrust.

And all day long, out of school hours, little children kept coming and saying, "Please, Mrs. Caddles, mum, may we have a look at your baby, please, mum?" until Mrs. Caddles had to put a stop to it.

And all day long, out of school hours, little children kept coming and saying, "Please, Mrs. Caddles, mum, may we have a look at your baby, please, mum?" until Mrs. Caddles had to put a stop to it.

"We took the greates' care of 'em, Mrs. Greenfield, I do assure you, mum, but he's regular bust 'em!

They flew with such vilence, mum, that one button broke a pane of the window, mum, and one hit me a regular stinger jest 'ere, mum.

They flew with such vilence, mum, that one button broke a pane of the window, mum, and one hit me a regular stinger jest 'ere, mum.

They flew with such vilence, mum, that one button broke a pane of the window, mum, and one hit me a regular stinger jest 'ere, mum.

You always does have lemons with your tea, mum.

Oh, excuse me, mum.

II'm so flabbergasted by all that's happened this afternoon, mum, that I can't get my thoughts straight, mum.

Well, mum, when a fine gentleman like Mr. Yardsley asks Yardsley.

Axed me to marry him, mum.

Yes, mum, he did, mum, right here in this room.

He was standin' before the lookin'-glass lookin' at himself, an' when I come in he turns around and goes down on his knees and says such an importunity may not occur again, mum; I've loved you very long; and then he recited some pottery, mum, and said would I be his wife.

I was all took in a heap, mum, to think of a fine gentleman like Mr. Yardsley proposing to me, mum, and I says the same.

Just then the front-door bell rings and Mr. Barlow comes, and there wasn't no more importunity for me to speak; but when I got down-stairs into the kitchen, mum, Mr. Hicks he comes in, an' (sobs) an' I breaks with him.

I wanted to warn him, mum, of his danger, mum, because Hicks is very vi'lent, and he told me in so many words as how he was a-goin' to dohimup. Barlow.

I wanted to warn him, mum, of his danger, mum, because Hicks is very vi'lent, and he told me in so many words as how he was a-goin' to dohimup. Barlow.

333 examples of  mum  in sentences