16174 examples of must have in sentences

The other fellow must have paid the duty on the cabinet he brought in; so I didn't see that there was anything coming to Vantine's estate.

Livy here again speaks of the populus as the people to whom the senate left the decision: this must have been the patricians only, for they alone had the right to decide upon the fate of the members of their own order.

It must have been long and slowly growing up.

It appears by the result, that this must have been calomel; for, after taking it for two or three days, profuse salivation was produced, with swollen tongue, inflamed gums, etc., followed by ulceration of the gum, lips, and cheek.

Many officers must have had experience of the inconvenience and delay due to the employment of a single very large vessel which could only coal one man-of-war at a time.

He used to see her formerly in the Luxembourg, or in the neighbouring streets, with a tall boy who must have been her son.

"Not so, Mr. John Briggs!" said Tom, making up his mind in a moment that he must have it out now, or never; and that he might have everything to fear from Vavasour if he let him go home furious.

The English memoir" (by Luke Scrafton) "confesses it was a surprise, and that the Secretary must have been bribed to write it in a way suitable to the views of Mr. Watts.

"I must have this; make it at once," was the command, the humble request to be allowed to take the measure being met by, "Son of a hell-burnt father!

"The Marvells must have told himthe beasts!"

In saying that the problems of the work in hand should come automatically and agreeably into the mind when there is a lull in the impressions being made by other things, it is not the intention to convey the meaning that one must have no other interests.

When you saw her surrounded by them, working and quarreling with them, talking that horrible polyglot of French, Italian and English, which she slipped into so easily, you realized how exotic the environment of the Dearborn Avenue house must have been to her and how strong a thing her passion for John Wollaston, to enable her to endure five years of it,of finikin social observances,of Aunt Lucile's standards of propriety!

There was the baby, too, who sat as good as gold, trying to force a large orange into his mouth, and gazing intently at the lights in the chandelier,there he was, sitting in his mother's lap, and making indentations in his soft visage with an oyster-shell, so contentedly that a heart of iron must have loved him!

it must have been a severe trial of patience to a man never known before to transgress the very slowest of all possible walks, to have had two events of the most rapid nature happen to him in the same week.

"Well, III must have been thinking, of something else, auntie.

From the best authorities it would seem that the extreme western boundary of Goshen must have been many miles distant from Egypt.

It must have heard the bells of St. Martin's toll for the death of Nelson and ring out joyous peals after Waterloo.

"I must have dropped it when I poured out the wheat.

Even Nero was loved in his first days: and there must have been some cause to make that Christian maiden cast flowers on his dishonourable grave.

"If one has but one lover," she went on, "he must have all the virtues of the many and none of the faults.

What an audience it must have been, with William, stiff, uncomfortable, and unintentionally repellant, confronted by the greatest of living "Hamlets" and a group of other players made brilliant by the presence of the imperial but not too moral Mistress Barry, the lovely Bracegirdle, breathing the perfume of virtue, real or assumed, and

But to go, he must have money; to get money, he must collect it from Plausaby, or at least get a land-warrant with which he could pre-empt his claim.

Whatever your views on Mr. ROOSEVELT may be, the fact remains that he has been a cowboy, a police commissioner of New York, a soldier on active service, and the President of God's Country, suh; and a man must have an unusually negative personality if he cannot make entertainment for us out of that.

After reading Miss Sheppard's juveniles, you feel that you have been in most good and innocent company all day; and since it is necessary for an author to become for the moment that nature of which he writes, this author must have been something very good and innocent in herself in order to uphold this strain so long.

They must have come at length to the real point, for Eleonora began at once"Yes; he was with his sick friend, and we were so happy; and now he is being shamefully used, and I don't know what to do!"

16174 examples of  must have  in sentences