35 examples of mustachio in sentences

What matters it with what deep rascality in black mustachios you once strutted upon your boards?

Then an old Hidalgo said, As he twirled his gray mustachio, "Sure this swallow overhead Thinks the Emperor's tent a shed, And the Emperor but a Macho!" Hearing his imperial name Coupled with those words of malice, Half in anger, half in shame, Forth the great campaigner came Slowly from his canvas palace.

'Tis a mercy your worship did not singe your mustachios.

Antonio in the person of John Philip Kemble at length appeared, starched out in a ruff which no one could dispute, and in most irreproachable mustachios.

In the light of the pistol fire, Barnaby had only sufficient opportunity to distinguish a flat face wearing a large pair of mustachios, a cocked hat trimmed with gold lace, a red scarf, and brass buttons.

By the light of a lantern shining in his eyes, together with the gray of the early day through the deadlight, he could perceive that two men were bending over himone, a negro in a striped shirt, with a yellow handkerchief around his head and silver ear-rings in his ears; the other, a white man, clad in a strange, outlandish dress of a foreign make, with great mustachios hanging down below his chin, and with gold ear-rings in his ears.

For some were white, some were yellow, and some were black, and all were tricked out with gay colors, and gold ear-rings in their ears, and some with long mustachios, and others with handkerchiefs tied around their heads.

It was easy to see that he was much depressedhis usually rosy cheeks hung flaccid, his mustachios drooped limply, his little black eyes were suffused and needed frequent wipinga service performed by a hand that was none too steady.

Whereat the Prince had twisted his mustachios fiercely (with an accompaniment, no doubt, of sub voce profanity) and had proceeded to amuse himself until luncheon with an exceedingly ugly bulldog he had brought with him.

It was arrayed in a long, mouse-gray frock coat and shiny black trousers; a hand gloved in lavender kid carried a top hat, while the other caressed, from time to time, the carefully-waxed mustachios and imperial adorning a countenance which was a singular mixture of craft and vanity.

Dad pointed him out to us in the dining-room last nighta thing of mustachios and eyesjust the kind one sees at the vaudeville, but which I hadn't the least idea existed in real life.

" Tellier gave his mustachios a supercilious twirl.

Behind her, in the twilight of the hall, could be dimly seen the mustachios of Monsieur Tellier, with Glück's face glaring at him.

In the museum of Stuttgard, is a portrait of the Countess of Salzburg, who, at the age of 50 years, had mustachios, whiskers, and a beard, as long and as black as those of any man.

I'm up to the something to your advantage dodge, and to the mustachio dodge too.

" Before the time came to go he added to his make-up by marking on his face with a burnt stick huge black mustachios and an imperial, and although the officer stared a little when he came along he ended by laughing, and leaving 'Enery his "make-up" disguise.

When a Caraib died he was immediately painted all over with roucou, and had his mustachios and the black streaks in his face made with a black paint, which was different from that used in their lifetime.

After an early breakfast Cleofonte and Luigi retired to the dressing tent, emerging after a while in gorgeous costumes of pink fleshings and spangles, their hair well greased with pomatum, their mustachios elaborately curled.

There came into the "cave" a gentleman with a lean brown face and long black mustachios, and evidently a stranger to the place.

He was pointing out changes to a lad who was in his company; and, calling for sherry-and-water, he listened to the music and twirled his mustachios with great enthusiasm.

The cheek-feathers are elongated, so as to form on each side a sort of mustachio.

He spoke good English, had a countenance rather pleasing, although his beard and mustachios had a frightful appearancehis face, apparently full of anxiety, indicated something in my favor; he gave me my papers, saying "take good care of them, for I am afraid you have fallen into bad hands."

The long hair that swept his shoulders was as florid as his face, as was also his flowing whiskers and mustachio, the latter being bitten short and forming a bristling fringe over a slavering mouth,what is it, Mistress, thou art pale, has pain taken thee?" "Nay, 'tis nausea, an awful loathing; I wish to remain here.

The rain dripped from his red hair and the bit of mustachio that he wore on his upper lip.

George, however, is come; did I tell you about his mustachios?

35 examples of  mustachio  in sentences