337 examples of nagged in sentences

I tell you, Millie, you're going to nag me with that once too often.

" "But, mark my word, you're going to nag me once too often!"

One dreadful day, when he had been nagged to fisticuffs with Wesley, whose dudish dignity exacted a certain restraint with the hot-headed youngster, Elisha Boone, behind the thick hedge, heard on the highway outside his grounds this outrageous anathema: "You're no more than a thief, Wes Boone; your father stole all he's got.

Sad though it is to confess of a hero honestly loved, Abraham had nagged a little all his married life when things went wrong.

He knows all about nag, and likes it alive, but he is not to be nagged into eating it.

Am I a child, to be nagged by waiting-maids? Regent.

"And that nag in the stable is a sorry old beast.

Tell Old Hucks to get the nag harnessed.

I told Hines that I would see the Bonnie Lassie about the statuette, and led him on, through the nagged and echoing passage and the iron gate, to the white-studded space of graves.

" With so much quarrelling going on around them and concerning them, it is small wonder that the two lovers were finally nagged into the condition of such nervousness that they fell to quarrelling with each other.

During the two days that Joel had been in school Sproule had nagged him incessantly upon one subject or another, and so far Joel had borne the persecution in silence.

" At last, she nagged him into her theory, although he fairly loathed writing a pot-boiler, and considered it the purest dishonesty.

So she nagged and nagged, and kept the pitch boilin' until I had to let it out: I told 'em" (Miss Eunice shivered).

So she nagged and nagged, and kept the pitch boilin' until I had to let it out: I told 'em" (Miss Eunice shivered).

I only want an old nag and a wagon, so as to drive a load of children about these lovely regions, and that I hope every moment to attain.

It was not the poor food and the filthy way of preparing it that worried me, or that Mr M'Swat used "damn" on an average twice in five minutes when conversing, or that the children for ever nagged about my father's poverty and tormented me in a thousand other waysit was the dead monotony that was killing me.

"And still you trifle!" nagged the grandam, "while I starve!

I recollect your telling me how she marred the wedding ceremony, by weeping and fainting, after having nagged her poor daughter during twenty years of life, and interfered with her friendships, through that peculiar jealousy which she misnamed "devoted love.

He never nagged; or found petty fault, or "chivied" you, as the boys say.

" XXII Having whined and nagged until his mother no longer could bear it, Keith at last obtained the cherished permission to go and play in the lane.

He liked her; she never nagged; he considered her an excellent housekeeper; in fact, they were mutually pleased with one another; their cases were equal; both often thought they might have been worse off, and neither regretted with any keenness what they had never known.

The organization, expansion, defense and improvement of the American, British, Japanese and any other contemporary empire, posed even larger and more complex problems which have nagged mankind during recent generations.

"In many foreign countries," said he, "people are a good deal nagged by their governments and they like it; we don't like it, so haul up your flag.

I have not mentioned half the disagreeable trifles that nagged at him during the interval,his audience, for instance, that hovered so close that he could not get up without colliding with one of them, so full of aimless talk that he mislaid tools in his distraction.

Casey used to feel a sickness in his middle when that thought nagged him, and he felt a growing anger now when he looked at the twinkling glow.

337 examples of  nagged  in sentences