32 examples of nailers in sentences

[Illustration] To the Boys and Girls in America, Who took the "Little Nailer" of the father-land from his smithy, and sent him to School for two years I dedicate this little Book, as an offering of my affection, and as a souvenir of that loving act of benevolent sympathy.


It was a good book, was the Testament; and he was sure it was made for nailers and such like.

Many is the man that has a harder lot of it than I, among the nailers along this hill and in the valley.


At the time I first threw out the proposition in regard to the education of the little Nailer, I hardly believed that they could so abolish space and dry up the ocean intervening between them and such a young sufferer, as they have done.

I thought this would be a good time to put in a word for "The Little Nailer;"

The letter stated that ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY half-dimes had already come in, from children all over the country, to pay the schoolmaster for teaching the little English nailer to read in the Testament, and to write a legible hand.

Ezekiel said that there was no telling how many more half-dimes would come in; for not only had the children of our own "School-Room" taken up the matter, but those of other school-rooms, especially away down in Maine, were determined to have some share in fitting out the nailer-boy with an education sufficient to make a man of him, if he will use it aright.

It was a bright, frosty morning, and, after a walk of twelve miles, I came in sight of the little brick cottage of the nailer by the wayside.

Perhaps it had been vacated by the poor man and his family, and some other nailer had taken his place.

There was no clicking of hammers, nor blowing of bellows, to indicate that the nailer family were still its occupants.

The nailer's eyes followed my own, and as they reciprocally rested on the bacon, he commenced his reply from that end of the subject.

These considerations gave a thoughtful tone to the nailer's voice as they came upon his mind, and a thoughtful air came over the family group when he had finished, and they all looked straitly into the fire as much as to say, "It cannot be done."

Let him go for a few months, and when he came back to the anvil, he might work all day, and in the evening he might get together all the nailer children that lived within a mile, and teach them how to read and write.

And wouldn't they like to look in and see Josiah with his primer in hand teaching their neighbors' children to read in this way; with his clean smock-frock on, setting copies in the writing-books of the little nailers?

The little ones were too timid to crow, but they looked as if they would when I was gone; and the nailer and his wife almost cried for joy at what the children of a far-off land had done for their son.

Perhaps I have made too long a story of my second visit to the nailer's cottage.

Thence we all proceeded to a clothing shop, where the little nailer was soon fitted with a warm and decent suit.


the long expected letters from "Jemmy Stubbing," or the Nailer Boy.

Think of itbut you cannot think of it as it is, unless you could see that nailer's shop and cottage.

How I wish that all of you who sent in your half dimes for them, could look in upon that nailer's family circle when they open the letter and see two bright gold sovereigns for the little ones.

Would you sell for a dollar your share in his education and happiness, in the joy, hope and expectations which your gifts have brought to life in that poor nailer's cottage?

Are nailers busier than other men, I wonder?

32 examples of  nailers  in sentences