19 examples of nan's in sentences

Nan's roguish face looked very demure under the white cap, and she smiled pleasantly when Patty at last recovered her wits sufficiently to introduce her father.

" "Nan's was ready," put in Bob, who was a great stickler for justice, "but, of course, hers couldn't go till ours did.

" "And Nan's awful good help!" put in Bumble.

Dogs reappeared from under the cabins and stretched in the sunshine; black children came out of hiding and picked up their play; the frightened Ophelia came out of Nan's cabin across the street and went her way; a lanky negro youth in blue coat and pin-striped trousers appeared, coming down the squalid thoroughfare whistling the "Memphis Blues" with bird-like virtuosity.

At that moment, in the sweep of the head-light, Peter saw Viny Berry, one of Nan's younger sisters, coming up from Niggertown's public well, carrying two buckets of water.

Peter and Tump waited in the Berry cabin for Nan's return.

Sally, Nan's little sister, observed tartly that if Cissie hadn't acted so, she wouldn't have been in jail.

he said, looking up from a thoughtful examination of the hard-working little citizens of the Industrial Community settled in Nan's work-basket.

here's a flock of people coming; my hair is in a toss, and Nan's without her shoe; run!

Thus engrossed, these two forgot many duties which even blue-stockings and innamoratas are expected to perform, and slowly all the homely humdrum cares that housewives know became Nan's daily life, and she accepted it without a thought of discontent.

" Nan's plan was carried into effect.

Her eye grew clear to see the beauty of a self-denying life, and in the depths of Nan's meek nature she found the strong, sweet virtues that made her what she was.

Mrs. Weldon, leaving him on Nan's knees, then descended toward the strand.

Mrs. Weldon then occupied herself, with Nan's assistance, in preparing a comfortable repasta good precaution before setting out.

And with that Jack fell asleep peaceably in Nan's arms, beside the trunk of the mango.

Mrs. Weldon placed little Jack in Nan's arms.

"Give me Jack," said Hercules, who took the child from Nan's arms.

Hercules, after putting little Jack back in Nan's arms, took his part of the work; and what a part!

A few more days and his corpse would have been left, like poor Nan's, as food for the beasts of the province.

19 examples of  nan's  in sentences