10143 examples of narrows in sentences

Here the lake expands to a width of about two miles for a distance of some three miles, when it suddenly narrows to about half a mile for a distance of a little over a mile, after which it widens again to about a mile and a half or more.

In the upper thirteen it varies from three to four miles in width; it then narrows to about two miles for a distance of seven miles, when it begins to widen again, and gradually expands to about, two and a-half or three miles, the lower six miles of it maintaining the latter width.

"Just above where the lake narrows in the middle there is a large island.

Antony, because of his conflict and because he himself on his return had been defeated in a cavalry battle by Caesar's advance guard, no longer thought it well to encamp in two different places, but during the night left the redoubt which was near his opponents and retired to the other side of the narrows, where the larger part of his army had bivouacked.

They weighed anchor to the sound of the trumpet and with ships in close array drew up their line a little outside the narrows, not advancing any farther: he in turn started out as if to come to close quarters or even make them retire.

To this end the right of capture at sea must be abolished, and all straits and narrows of importance for world commerce, must be internationalized.

This certainly cannot be called limitation, and we are all free to follow the lines of our own individuality in every other direction; so that, although the recognition of our relation to the Originating Spirit safeguards us from injuring ourselves or others, it in no way restricts our liberty of action or narrows our field of development.

Then the channel narrows, and a little farther on you behold the head of the rapid, and half-way down the Coho Falls thunder everlastingly.

Beyond this last-named building the gorge narrows and extends to the base of the Pic de Ger (8571 ft.).

And it is this which greatly narrows the circle for serious works.

Get to know that, and it narrows the field, d'ye see?" "There's the question of Miss Lennard's jewels, too," remarked Fullaway.

Toward the north, the slender fore-body and the round head can be seen, and toward the south, one sees the back-bodywhich first broadens out, and then narrows to a sharp point.

When the ships pushed on up the strait toward Kilid Bahr and Chanak Kalesomewhat like trying to run the Narrows at New Yorkthere was a different story.

We were now beyond the Narrows and the Dardanelles.

And I felt sure that, once out into the harbor, I could strike a bee-line for a far opposite shore, cut through the narrows at Gibraltar, and enter like a returning monarch on my own proud domain, the fair blue Mediterranean Sea.

But the existence of the thumb-print narrows the inquiry down to Reuben or some person having access to his finger-prints.

Straight at the throat of the chestnut he dived and his teeth closed on the throat of Alcatraz just where the neck narrows beneath the jaw.

The passage narrows pretty rapidly inwards, and I had not proceeded two yards before I saw the clear traces of a great battle here.

Next morning at sunrise we saw Sandy Hook; at nine o'clock we were telegraphed in New York by the station at Coney Island; at eleven the steamer "Hercules" met us outside the Hook; and at noon we were gliding up the Narrows, with the whole ship's company of four hundred persons on deck, gazing on the beautiful shores of Staten Island and agreeing almost universally, that it was the most delightful scene they had ever looked upon.

It was in the narrows of Kensington High Street that he abandoned her arraignment.

The hounds seemed to be back further toward where the split narrows.

Between the bay of Raritan and that of New-York there are two communications, one between the islands of Staten and Nassau, called the Narrows, which is the ordinary ship-channel of the port, and the other between Staten and the main, which is known by the name of the Kilns.

A fisherman, however, removed the last of their doubts, by reporting that he had seen a vessel, whose description answered that of the Water-Witch, passing the Narrows in the middle watch.

Ludlow made a signal for his own boats to close the passages of the Kilns and the Narrows, and then, as has been seen, he steered directly into the harbor.

"It is supposed by some physiologists that the essential cells of nerves do not actually touch, but are separated by a narrow gap which widens in sleep while it narrows almost to extinction during mental activity.

10143 examples of  narrows  in sentences