17 examples of naturale in sentences

They always recognized the distinction between jus civile, or the law of the State, and the jus naturale, or the law of Nature.

"E quindi nacque l'opinione dispersa allora, ch'egli mancasse di morte aiutata più tosto che naturale.

Laborant corpora, sed intendunt animo implere quo ad valent naturale mandatum, hoc facias alijs quod tibi vis fieri: credentes et adorantes omnium creatorum Deum, et sperantes ab ipso simpliciter Paradisum.

The Via Maggio is now our way, but first there is a museum which I think should be visited, if only because it gave Dickens so much pleasure when he was herethe Museo di Storia Naturale, which is open three days a week only and is always free.

For almost in every consultation, whereas they shall come to speak of the causes, the fault is found, and this most part objected to the patient; Peccavit circa res sex non naturales: he hath still offended in one of those six.

Fecit omnia delicta quae fieri possunt circa res sex non naturales, et eae fuerunt causae extrinsecae, ex quibus postea ortae sunt obstructiones.

Naturales nigri acquisiti a toto corpore, saepe rubicundi.

1. Victus nomine non tam cibus et potus, sed aer, exercitatio, somnus, vigilia, et reliquae res sex non-naturales contineritur.

Tam ominosus proventus in naturales causas referri vix potest. 3077.

[Footnote 2: Relacion Anónyma, de los Costumbres Antiguos de los Naturales del Piru, p. 138.

Thomas Aquinas understands by it, in distinction to jus naturale proper, the sum of the conclusions deduced from this as a result of the development of human culture and its departure from primitive purity.

2. Appetitus naturales.

Ratio est quod utrumque praedictorum miraculorum fuit contra naturam; sed punire reos et nocentes naturale est et usitatum, quamvis Deus punierit peccatores AEgyptios per modum inusitatum supernaturaliter Jordanus sic nominatur a duobus fontibus, quorum unus vocatur JOR et alius vocatur DAN: inde JORDANUS, ut ait Hieronymus, locorum orientalium persedulus indagator.

The words ritratta dal naturale do not, I think, necessarily imply that it was modelled from the life.

Cases in which "Complaints of Undutiful Will" were the issue will be found, e.g., in Codex, iii, 28, 1 and 19 and 28; id., iii, 29, 1 and 7. Ulpian in Dig., 38, 16, 1: suos heredes accipere debemus filios filias sive naturales sive adoptivos.

For instance, in recommending a certain kind of quickset fence, he insists upon it as one of its advantagesthat it will not readily ignite under the torch of the mischievous wayfarer: "Naturale sepimentum," says he, "quod obseri solet virgultis aut spinis, praetereuntis lascivi non metuet facem.

The work contains three, and, according to some manuscripts, four parts, entitled Speculum naturale (Mirror of Natural Science), Speculum historiale (Mirror of Historical Science), Speculum doctrinale (Mirror of Metaphysical Science), and Speculum morale (Mirror of Moral Science).

17 examples of  naturale  in sentences