866 examples of naves in sentences

The great preparations which Caesar had been making for at least a year were at last complete, the specially built ships, wide and of shallow draft, of an intermediate size between his own swift- sailing vessels and those of burthen which he had gathered locally, were all ready to the number of six hundred, with twenty-eight naves longae or war vessels, and some two hundred of the older boats.

One will meet few grander naves anywhere than this Gothic nave in Canterbury, formed of white stone and wonderfully symmetrical in all its outlines.

"And should time be short for detailed inspection, it is this general effect of immense naves, of a forest of columns and of jeweled windows that we carry away, feeling too small amidst such greatness of form and incomparable loveliness of lights for the mere expression of admiration."

y confunden con las tinieblas de las naves los rayos de colores de las ojivas; donde lucha y se

Las moribundas lámparas, que brillaban en el fondo de las naves como estrellas perdidas entre las sombras, oscilaron á su vista, y oscilaron las estatuas de los sepulcros y las imágenes del altar, y osciló el templo todo con sus arcadas de granito y sus machones de sillería.

Santos, monjas, ángeles, demonios, guerreros, damas, pajes, cenobitas y villanos, se rodeaban y confundían en las naves y en el altar.

Á la luz del farolillo, cuya dudosa claridad se perdía entre las espesas sombras de las naves y dibujaba con gigantescas proporciones sobre el muro la fantástica sombra del sargento aposentador que iba precediéndole, recorrió la iglesia de arriba abajo y escudriñó una por una todas sus desiertas capillas, hasta que una vez hecho cargo del local, mandó echar pie á tierra á su gente, y hombres

El nuevo organista, después de atravesar por en medio de los fieles que ocupaban las naves para ir á besar el anillo del prelado, había subido á la tribuna, donde tocaba unos tras otros los registros del órgano; con una gravedad tan afectada como ridícula.

El esquilón llamaba á voz herida á los fieles desde la torre, y alguna que otra rara persona atravesaba el atrio silencioso y desierto esta vez, y después de tomar el agua bendita en la puerta, escogiá un puesto en un rincón de las naves, donde unos cuantos vecinos del barrio esperaban tranquilamente que comenzara la Misa del Gallo.

In engines with outside cylinders the axles are made straight-the crank pins being inserted in the naves of the wheels.

Wheels are made with much variety in their constructive details: sometimes they are made with cast iron naves, with the spokes and rim of wrought iron; but in the best modern wheels the nave is formed of the ends of the spokes welded together at the centre.

When cast iron naves are adopted, the spokes are forged out of flat bars with T-formed heads, and are arranged radially in the founder's mould, the cast iron, when fluid, being poured among them.

Hawthorn makes his wheels with cast iron naves and wrought iron rims and arms; but instead of welding the arms together, he makes palms on their outer end, which are attached by rivets to the rim.

But a point which remains to be explained is that the walls of the crypt are parallel to the line of the new chancel and not to the line of the old or new naves.

Then it is held by some that the axis of the old nave and chancel was in line with that of the present choir; but the south porch, built more than one hundred years before the new nave, is at right angles with it which would hardly have been the case had the two naves not been on the same lines.

The wheels of class B design are the same in principle of construction as those of class A, but they have cast metal bosses or naves, without loose bushes, and are suitable for general work and ordinary roads where the strains are not so severe.

The bosses or naves are readily removed in case of breakage, and they can be fitted with steel oil caps for lubricating.



NAVES, RAYMOND. Voltaire: l'homme et l'oeuvre.

Mme Raymond Naves, nee Marie Valette (W); 30Jan70; R478876.



Out of this tree were cut 80 pairs of naves for carriage-wheels, and 8,000 feet of sawn timber in boards and planks, at six score per cent.which, for the sawing only, as the price of labour then was, came to the sum of 12l.

naves, et in qualibet nave xxi. homines, cum uno garcione qui dicitur gromet.

866 examples of  naves  in sentences