14 examples of neather in sentences

For our trade Shees out at that: neather promises, rewards, Example or Intreaty, fayre, fowle meanes, Gaine present or the hope of future goodd, Can force from her a presens; then much lesse A frendly prostitution.

So spatious that carts laded may drive throughe And neather loush oth' topp or eathere syde.

th'one unparreld [sic]; Neather of which by computation Hathe told so hye as twenty.

Neather styrre In payne of too Frensh crownes, and they so crack[t] Never more to passe for currant.

My Scribonia, Wilt thou intreate them neather? Tread.

That's rotten allredy and will neather make goodd leather nor parchement ... theire.

Duble injurye, To praye upon the soule and after deathe Doo to the body such discoortesy; It neather savours of a generous spyritt Nor that which wee call manly.

Go to the bench for judgment and to the lawe courts for counsell, I am free of neather, only one of Neptunes poore bastards, a spawne of the sea, and nowe gladly desyres to be rydd of thee aland.

How can'st thou proove that to bee a fishe that was not bredd in the water, that coold never swimme, that hathe neather roe nor milt, scale nor finne, lyfe nor motion?

Marry, thus: go thou quietly thy way, I'l go peacably myne; betraye thou mee to nobody, as I meane to impart to thee nothinge; seeke thy preferment by land as I have doone myne by sea; bee thou mute, I'l be dumbe; thou silent, I mumbudgett; thou dismisse mee, I'l acquitte thee; so thou art neather theife nor accessary.

And heare's a place, Though neather of the secretest nor the best, To unlade myself of this Iniquity.

synce I neather owe thee Nor will I paye thee any thinge.

In the tyme That you weare ceas'd with this deepe melancholly And inward sorrowe for a sinne so fowle, My self in person posted to the Kinge (In progresse not farr off), to him related The passadge of your busines, neather rose I From off my knees till hee had signd to this.

therefore she sayd I hope God will keep me from yielding to you; sd Kate sayd Goody Clawson why doe you torment me soe; I neuer did you any harme neather in word nor acction; sayeing why are you all come now to afflict me.

14 examples of  neather  in sentences